Please, Look at replay from Kyoto 40 And you will see, that it is possible to drive with hardly damaged car(Me taking win after your teammates unsuccessful try to take me out (Majoor: Ye, Its dirty from me, but I was not that one who started it ) ). If you were just going straight and no brake, you will not be dangerous
Well, I have more experience from racing than You.
What Ray did was stupid, we all know it. What I did was stupid, we all know. What You did was stupid, we also know.
I alredy apologized for that maneuver. And I am still waiting, if there will be moment when you will finally start acting like men, and accept your mistakes. I have alredy done that...
About autocross.. It was my fail, The track didn't fit me much, but its true that i shouldn't ever try to race if I wasn't prepared.. So yea, I tried it, but it was bad one from me, I alredy said somewhere my opinion about it (RN subsection).. I made many mistakes, but This one was solved by admins.. If they were right or not, thats not on us to disscuss.. I didn't get the licence for this anyway...
Well.. the name.. and stuff... Can you give video from more angles? It looks like completly my bad from this POV.. but you were blocking a lot, etc. I wanted to talk to you, but ragequit..