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:worried: One more time I have not had time to improve, I could only try on Saturday night.

Here's my video, is one of the first attempts... nice lap of Tomhah.

P.S. lol @ the sound of my car in the roof view, no idea how xfire recorded the sound, in the TV view sounds good.

S2 licensed
Quote from PioneerLv :Looks great!

Deutsch my rearlights are Here. The lights were done by motary.
S2 licensed
My LX4 video =)

S2 licensed
woah nice lap mate, I'm second atm but hard to make a better lap.
S2 licensed
Some of Cone Challenge 5...

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Copy/Paste of the layouts thread.

Two vids of my XRT laps...

On this video I made a Fastest Lap but the Total Time is not good at all.

And on this one you can see the Total Time improved but with a not good Fastest Lap, as I writed in the video comment on xfire... I lost too much time on the second lap because I was really stressed when I saw the splits and final time of the first lap hahaha. You can notice how I hit the wall when I started the second lap lol .

Anyway I liked the layout and the behavior of the car with setupgrid set, the problem is that I didn't have time on Saturday and today to try to improve my time.

Congratulations by the layout U4IK ST8, I like this type of competitions but this time not many people participated.
S2 licensed
Two vids of my XRT laps...

On this video I made a Fastest Lap but the Total Time is not good at all.

And on this one you can see the Total Time improved but with a not good Fastest Lap, as I writed in the video comment on xfire... I lost too much time on the second lap because I was really stressed when I saw the splits and final time of the first lap hahaha. You can notice how I hit the wall when I started the second lap lol .

Anyway I liked the layout and the behavior of the car with setupgrid set, the problem is that I didn't have time on Saturday and today to try to improve my time.

Congratulations by the layout U4IK ST8, I like this type of competitions but this time not many people participated.
S2 licensed
Nice to read that, I hope you can improve the reflections.
S2 licensed
Congrats to ldriver, the skin looks awesome and the XFG looks nice with it (same as XRR), nice design he made.
S2 licensed
I did 1:31'70 but the total time was higher than now (by 2 seconds penalty for hitting a cone grrrr!!!!).
Last edited by DiSCiPuLo, .
S2 licensed
I don't like the side vents but the rest is good, I think that with 0.50 or less of car shine would be better.
S2 licensed
Omg! Server crashed after I do 1:32'37
S2 licensed
Cool layout, I liked it as much as the SO, here I recorded my 1:29'17 lap for if you want to see.

S2 licensed
Nice pics, I like the pic of Niko and your second one Deuts.

Some pics of the new cone challenge of free session...

S2 licensed
I love the UF1 pic haha and the rest are nice too.

...aaaand some raws of _/\_ Cone Challenge _/\_ 4.

S2 licensed
Quote from Stew2000 :Thanks for the pics Discipulo!

Thanks to you, I'm glad that you liked those pics hehe.

Quote from PLAYAPIMP :Those are better!

If you want another old pics in better quality tell me that... .

And if you said this about your nickname because I said Playa (is not bad I think... Playa in Spanish is Beach hehe)

P.S. Tonight I recorded a video of the photos but did not have AA because the fps drops a lot, wanted to try the xfire video recorder.

Last edited by DiSCiPuLo, .
S2 licensed
xfire ruined the photos when I upload them... I have the originals .png's but are 3Mb of pic. I'm a bit tired to edit pic by pic, so I use xfire, I take the photos, I upload them to my xfire and then just have to put it here, the trouble with this is that xfire reduces the weight of the images too much (such as small photos of this post, that the overall weight is around 40/50kb 's)

Those (starion pics) are the same pics but I edited a bit the contrast and the lacks of AA in some parts.

Oh! and thanks Playa, I'm glad that you use any screenshot as wallpaper.
S2 licensed

S2 licensed
If anyone want to edit this pic...

S2 licensed

S2 licensed
Like the third and sixth pic.

Click to enlarged pics, as always...

S2 licensed
I don't like the fron air vent >.< the rest is nice.

Simple one...

S2 licensed
Quote from Lynce :Fixed, Thanks.

No problem!
S2 licensed
I saw an error at the rear of the kit that I hope you can fix it before you release the pack. One question ... Is this a shadow kit or just a skin? Anyway I like the rear, the first option I would close slightly further and the second is good too.

S2 licensed
Simple shot of my car in the gas station of BL with my modified bp colours...