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running LFS with VISTA and Dual Monitors
S2 licensed

I'm trying and trying and can't get LFS to run using both monitors attached to my 7800GS via DVI.
Is there a workaround or a patch or smth. to run VISTA AND LFS and other games on a multimon config?
What about TripleHead2Go?? and using 3 monitors? same sh*t? different name?

What I've found out was that the nview tool, which can do horizontal span only runs on Windows XP. Is there a similar tool for Vista? Do I have to install XP for playing games on 2 (or more) monitors??? This would be a regression with vista

S2 licensed
maybe silly question. but does it work with latest patch W? since the network code has changed? but still compatible?
S2 licensed
yes thats not bad, send them back i'll have a look alright some plain stripes over the car are more simple than my chequered flag idea... the UF1 has some complicated c-pillar layers at the back what makes it very fiddling to match the whole skin
S2 licensed
thx for feedback so far, i know the back is probably not quite good... but the wavy chequered flag is a "must be" my first inspiration and some own design. how could i arrange it better? i will do some fine tuning at the back for sure... but i don't want to change the design also i don't want to make a nascarlike car out of a 55hp car

updated: did some more decals see first post last attachment. changed the back
edit: the topic jack daniels racing could be mistakable... i didn't know there is an aussie team with the same name and i don't make a skin out of their template. i'm sorry but can't change the topic anymore
Last edited by DrFred, .
S2 licensed
it will if i'm sure about its final design
UF1 Jack Daniels racing
S2 licensed

here another WIP from me: a black/white Jack Daniels skin...
have some first looks and give me some feedback
Last edited by DrFred, .
S2 licensed
ah the autocross editor! dang me i didn't realize that
S2 licensed
sry for another "dumb" question... but how can i view the whole track without driving over it? i know there are some programs with which they make "tv shows" and so on but i don't know them?! would save me time...
S2 licensed
yes thats exactly what i meant! i thought i could use fixed sizes 128x128 and up by factor 2.... so i could save time.. but that doesn't seem so.

second thing... what format do you save them?? see attachement for self explanatory
S2 licensed
in my attachement in the first post there are no mipmaps if i open them in photoshop. it seems only that the gravel textures have mipmaps... (also opened in photoshop)

my first part:

if textures are originally in 256x256 size and contains f.e. 4 squarish ads, with the sizes 128x128... just imagine 4 tiles with that size...
my question is if i could upsize it simply so that lfs can recognize them as 4 x 512x512 textures in a 1024x1024 .dds (instead of 4x128x128 in a 256x256 .dds)
but i just give it a try...

edit: uhm there are pretty much settings in those .dds plugin, did you let them all default? and under what format do you save them?
Last edited by DrFred, .
S2 licensed
alright i will make some new ads out of .eps vector logo graphics so i think there will be no resolution problem.
i wonder if lfs can handle its positions because 16 ads on 256x256 for example do have other pixel positions than 16 ads on 1024x1024?

can i use the photoshop .dds plugin or did you do everything with this nvidia tool?
so if i understand it correctly there is no need to think about mipmaps, i just make some if the file has some? or do i have to edit the smaller "copies" too? or just editing the first biggest part standalone in one instance and then save it in mipmaps?
S2 licensed
nice work! but one question: how did you do that with those ad banners and ads and those mipmap levels???
do i have to make one exact size texture f.e. 1024x1024 and the plugin calculates the mips automatically? or do i have to make them for myself? and what are the exact dimensions?
i want to make some new ads/textures for south city because i don't really like them.

i attached some example file...
( why are there no mipmaps? and can i just change the size to make 1024x1024 (2048x2048) without complications?

and why do some files have those mips and some not?!
Experimenting with Exhaust Pulse
S2 licensed
i just stumbled upon the possibility to save and load exhaust pulse pcm .wav data into the ingame "shift+a - soundeditor"... i fiddled around and got this...

sounds a bit like a limousine but nice i think... maybe you can do that without a .wav but for experimenting, save the original .wav BEFORE you load my celica.wav (a snippet of the original motorsound but one hundredth second doesn't give that much authenticity)

to have it run you have to load my XRG_celica.eng AND the celica.wav pulse... (files have to be extracted to x:\lfs\data\engine\)

because of forbidden .wav file i did a .rar archive. as i read a post from DaveWS experimenting with goldwave in this thread/post -> there is more potential in these pulse .wavs than "very very little" just compare the original with loading my changed .wav

i'm going to experiment for a while now...

edit: UF1 on BL1 does backfire! i don't know if it is a bug?! or has something in relation with sound and clipping (which could be different on different systems?!) but it sounds good for the beginning of testing... the car sound is a bit strange for UF1 though. i would like to have feedback on this. it doesn't backfire very often.. about 10 times in one lap... reving is also good sound...
Last edited by DrFred, . Reason : adding UF1 backfire experiment
S2 licensed
you'll have to put them into x:\LFS\data\engine or wherever you installed lfs. and you need at least patch V2 afaik. ingame you press shift+a and load the engine sound. if that does not work, go ahead and search the forum for using the new soundpacks. since you're a demo racer you can only use the XRG sound.
S2 licensed
are 3 19" tfts more immersive than a beamer setup?
S2 licensed
it saves if a race/qualify/training is quit/escaped... lfs does not have to close.
but this is not an issue.
i now did some AI runs ~15 laps (different cars/AIs) on a multiplayer server and NO .knw files are saved at any time.


1. every car/track etc. is saved in the specified level too
2. it saves on quitting the race/qualify (in cache)
3. in multiplayer it does not. and if it doesn't save it doesn't learn imho

S2 licensed
alright ... i just did a single player 30 mins qualification with 11 AIs and a 10 lap race on SO1/LX4. and NO .knw has been saved (last changed file an hour before) so 1h no changing in any file!
NO new .knw file... maybe there are settings?! where i can turn AI learning on /off?? but i don't know that i even changed this at all.

edit: i'm talking about the folder x:\LFS\data\knw\
edit2: hmm now i saved a single player replay and closed LFS and now there are all .knw files for every AI... strange because i know i drove with AI several times yesterday in multiplayer same course and car and there were NO SO1/LX4 files :/
edit3: did a short multiplayer race with 2 of my AIs and my AI didn't learn! i think AI only learns in singleplayer mode, maybe this has something to do with the data submission manners from client to server so there's maybe no room to save an AI learning?!
Last edited by DrFred, .
S2 licensed
i wonder in what intervals the .knw files are saved? and do they also save in multiplayer games?
i did a bit of multiplayer racing about 50 laps on SO1 with LX4 and 2 AIs but i don't have ANY LX4 nor SO1 .knw files?
got only SO1.trs <- whats that?
S2 licensed
ok guys here all my sounds done so far. the XRG sound is very nice i think.

pedal to the metal!
S2 licensed
updated, look at first post...
S2 licensed
final skin now online 2048 version... ->

have fun
Jaegermeister XRT
S2 licensed
Hi there,

as promised here my jaegermeister XRT skin. my first skin for LFS. 2048 version and a simple screenshot from LFS View in attachment.

Have fun

Last edited by DrFred, .
S2 licensed
superb, thx! that does help me
how to make ventilation slots?
S2 licensed

as topic! i want them to paste on the hood. but how do i "render" them?
S2 licensed
Quote from Anathema :Can you post a picture of the car it replicates?

of course. here it is: