Ok man.sry for my behavior , its just sometimes i get angry about somethings that i did not understand well .Just to say that i'm 17y/o and i've been playing for roughly 3 years now ..since patch x so i'm not a noob at driving . lol thx for the advice too
ehhh again guys .....i wanted to know were do you put the ADMIN PASS IN THE ISRM CFG. ????????? just that ...becuase everytime i try it ..the isrm wont open it come up with and DONT SEND <<----- help plz
well there must be someone who already done it ......so imma wait for that person ...sry but i've been working on this shit for most of the day and im running out of patience
ehhh hi guys i'm having trouble ...the mod works very well execpt when i type in my admin pass for the server it says : in the dedi box PASS DOES NOT MATCH MUTIPIER PASSWORD . i dont know what do do at all ..so any suggestions plz help