I do my best to stay safe on each lap.
What amazed me the first time I visited about the place was how different the weather can be at the same time in different places on the circuit. After about 10 laps I was starting to pick up pace a little and came round the bend, struggling to remember the name, where Niki Lauder crashed after Ex-Muhle, it was glorious sunshire on entry and the exit was covered in water which resulted in the car stepping rather sideways as I was carrying far too much speed for the conditions.
To me though this adds to the thrill, it is a challenge, every lap is different (conditions, traffic, other people, other talent). My most enjoyable laps which are memorable are the ones which are a little slower following a much slower car than my own but getting the lines right. There is a lot to learn out there, just not enough time to learn it.