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S2 licensed
Wow, what a nice guy. Can't imagine many people would do such a noble thing; totally deserves the rewards.
S2 licensed
Quote from Substance :Ok, me and a few of my CSS buddies will be starting up a competition for CSS after seeing this amount of interest. Keep an eye out, I can promise it will be more successfull than this one :|

Yep, me and Substance will be running a new competition with some help from some CSS brains.
S2 licensed
Quote from Substance :Our team will be Subs, Jack Taylerson, Matkirk and someone else, dont worry, we'll find someone. We'll play under |SR|.

We need to make it MR15, which means you play two halfs, one as CT one as T, both consisting of 15 rounds. Whoever reaches 16 rounds first wins, simples? Knife for teams.

We need to get some servers, post up IP's here?

Our team will actually play as [SR].

PS: Heya Matkirk
S2 licensed
Quote from Substance :Whats your steam friends? We can mix sometime?

And me.

No offense but I think this whole thing is a bit of a mess, it's a great idea but it's only really going to work with a CSS brain in charge (Subs)
S2 licensed
Quote from Substance :So basically, we've got some unorganised tournament and no one understands whats going on. If you're still planning on running this thing may I suggest enlisting a few people who know the CS scene. (Any lads here from any big teams? Any I might recognise?)

If sign-ups are still available, then put me Subs, Jack Taylerson (DSElement), + 2 others that I will sort out up.

If you want help in doing any of the adminning or general setting up, add me on steam friends (masterquan) Me and Jack have played CS competitivly for quite a while and I for one want to make this amount to something interesting.

I may be some no-namer in lfs, but I know a thing or two about CS

I agree, I've been playing CSS for a number of years with Subs and he really knows what he's talking about.

I can see this having a lot of potential and would really like to take part in a CSS competition like this myself, and I'd also be up for helping out running it. If we get enough interest in this kind of competition, a lot more people from CSS will start to notice LFS and it could possibly go even further.
S2 licensed
Welcome to the team hope you enjoy yourselves.
S2 licensed
Count me in for this :]
S2 licensed
nVidia 9800GX2 :]
S2 licensed
Quote :it doesn't mean your gay, just don't get married.

Lol, this guy is getting famous for all the wrong reasons.
S2 licensed
FOX for me, never really been into single seaters so much but recently I've been driving the FOX a lot more. Some really fun, close races have been had in the FOX :]
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :With the S2 tracks, it's got a whole lot more interesting. Westhill is a blast!

Agreed, Westhill was a lot of fun

I always loved racing in these, good times :]
S2 licensed
Too true :[ Heroes being a good example. I've given up watching TV really, all the good stuff can be found on the internet anyway :P
S2 licensed
I've just started watching the first series, seen the first 3 and its bloody halarious.

I'm looking forward to the 2nd series if it's anything like the first :]
S2 licensed
I stopped racing for a couple of hours and I lost my position lol :]

Some really nice racing going on too
S2 licensed
I used to play Counter Strike Source a lot until i came to LFS

Quote from Nitrous13270 :I hate the fast FPS's like Counter Strike, since it requires almost no tactics in my opinion.

How can you say it requires almost no tactics? A proper CSS match involves a hell of a lot of tactics.
S2 licensed
Thought i would have a shot at it.

5 mins work = nothing special
S2 licensed
Nice one

Congrats and good luck to you all.
S2 licensed
I wish I could post something here
S2 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :Hiya Gonchi Welcome to S2. Watch out for my teammates with the [SR] Racer Name Tag on...

Welcome to S2 Gonchi

I think i know those guys Jason
S2 licensed
Quote from (The Stig) :Nice, my mouth is for now results will not be reveled yet.

I cant wait
S2 licensed
One More Time - Daft Punk

Usually listening to Play Radio UK though