I'd gladly comment on it, however that could get me banned.
People here don't realize that it's possible to understand the whole awesomeness of this layout just by looking at it's screenshot, and instead assume that every demo racer who comments on layouts is a cracker.
Used to drink a lot (and I mean really a lot, up to the point of painful hangovers, memory loss, drunken fights and very embarrassing situations) from 2012 to 2014, however a bit less than a year ago I have found a much better source of fun and happiness. Not a drop since.
I'd much prefer M4 to M3, and I'm pretty sure C class is a coupé.
Your point makes sense though, M5/E would still be great cars to race and to have in LFS (although I'm pretty sure it'll never happen)
Pretty much what I figured out after test-driving a few Windows Phone flagships (930, 1520), Android flagships (S5, One M8, Z3) and iOS flagships (both 6 and 6+). Android felt like retarded child in the family of mobile OSes.
Will probably not pass upcoming technical inspection, as I drove 30 000+ km on it like there's no tomorrow from May to September (I had Neste Oil card with unlimited fuel credit, so I didn't care for keeping revs low), not sure what I'll get this winter, probably something like Passat B5.5 or a E46.
"GB CV" in "About this phone" means that it's United Kingdom, Country variant, right?
Anyway, I don't have it available yet
However, I got bored of all the colors, and made myself something simple.