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S2 licensed
Maybe I give harjun too much credit but lots of replies picked up on the idea of "one-liners" about what they love about LFS ...... seems simple, and positive

I love that in LFS there are so many people that help make the game play better by volunteering their time and skills to host servers and leagues, make add-ons and skinning help, develop software etc.
S2 licensed
What kind of fps are you getting now?

Back a while ago, on my old pc, I could only get about 25 fps and that would drop in traffic etc - almost impossible to drive ....

While in your car, hit (in English) Escape -> Options - > View -> click on Custom View and then set "render" = "none" .... that is, no body/ no wheels. This increased my fps by about 10.

Also, as mentioned go to Options -> Graphics ......

User, Mirror and Dust - low as you care or can
Haze - no
Shadow, Sky, trees, flags etc - off
Anti-aliasing - none
Texture filtering - none

Also go to Options -> Misc ........

Multiplayer car draw - set as low as you can
Dynamic LOD reduction - set as high as you can

If you have a choice of monitors - use the smallest screen you can and/or set LFS display resolution (Options -> Screen) to lowest that works for you.

That's all I can think of
S2 licensed
FYI - while there is no special thread for it, there are vids and links for drift vids in the LFS > Media > Movies Forum. Might even get some help with methods there.

Contrary to the most unhumble opinion of RasmusL - there are folks who post all sorts of vids - even drift vids - which are enjoyed by those who are interested. The LFS community is diverse and we should all welcome that diversity (MHO)...........

Quote from RasmusL :The reason that you didn't find a thread about drift videos, is very likely the fact that drifting generally isn't very well liked on this forum

@RasmusL - you may or may not share the supposed antipathy towards drifting that you suggest exists on the forum - but it would be helpful to not perpetuate generalizations that may not be true at all. There are some few vocal drift-haters, but it is wrong to suppose that is generally the case on the forum, or more importantly, that it should be the case.
S2 licensed
Quote from :Obviously what's holding me back is my limited knowledge of setup tweaking ................................. And the last thing holding me back is I'm using mouse.

This comment is not meant to be deflating but ....... lack of experience (practice) is holding you back - not setup or mouse. It takes time (to get the feel of how the car responds, to know how it will handle the curbs, to know when you can get back on the throttle, etc). Once you have that knowledge/feel, you'll be doing 1:14s or better with any decent set.

As for the mouse, quite a few drivers are doing 1:12s with a mouse, some just a few tenths off the wr.

So patience grasshopper, stick to it. Do try different sets, but remember to look to improve your driving skills and in a while you'll be wondering why it was so hard early on.

Post your replay and I'm sure you'll get some helpful criticism.
S2 licensed
Quote from aceracer :On a general note one of the most annoying things in LFS are racers who think that just cos they're close they can overtake. So wrong. You can be close and 2 secs/lap faster and still not get past if the guy in front drives celanly and defensive. It doesn't help you to have smoking tires and be all over the guy in front all the time.

S2 licensed
Quote from STF :clickme .

That's a helpful thread for "hotlapping" but it doesn't deal with the issue(s) that the OP was asking about - how to deal with overtaking/passing/following

@ The Very End - thanks but I know I write better than I drive

@ OP - another suggestion is to spectate some races (and save replay) where there are some very good racers battling closely for position.....sometimes you can almost read their minds .... and learn a lot :eclipsee_
S2 licensed
Good point from sinbad .....

First, if your coming to a turn following close behind someone then you are accepting your following position - unless he does a sloppy turn. So in that case, i usually start rolling off the gas a little before the braking point opening up the space a bit. If the guy ahead messes up a bit then I'm all prepared for a "slow in, fast out" turn cutting to the inside and passing on exit.

In order to "overtake" you must be able to pull mostly beside the lead driver and "claim" the inside line - and then be able to execute the tight inside line without exiting wide into him. Sometimes when approaching a turn in the following position I will setup to the inside of the lead car even though I don't have overlap .... this allows for a pass if the lead driver messes up by braking too early (without ramming him) or too late, and also gives a better view approaching the turn.

In sum, if you are following behind approaching a turn, the only way to pass is to able to take advantage of some mistake (big or small). Back off a little and shoot for a fast exit, or set up to the inside so his possible early braking won't slow you down entering (just be sure to not enter with too much speed for a tight turn).

Of course good racers will make this hard for you by "defensive" driving. A good defensive driver can be quite slower than you but still hold you off ..... if the lead driver sees you might set up inside without overlap, he will claim the inside early as well. Or if you are tight on his rear approaching a turn, he'll ease off the gas early (or even lightly brake early) making your "slow in, fast out" less effective.

"Racing" is not about who can do the fastest lap. The sport in racing is being able to carve different lines thru a turn - not just the optimal "hotlap" line; it is in being able to anticipate behaviors by other drivers and turn them to your advantage. As Crashgate said "know your opposition" ..... also know your limits and abilities.
S2 licensed
shift + u

Then hit space bar to turn menus on and off
S2 licensed
My retirement account is worth about half what it was a year ago and I'm 59

My superfluous verbiage is habitual ... I'm in therapy for it, really

Thanks for taking the time to read it
S2 licensed
Well, here is my 0.2 hryvnia (2 cents US) -

I drove with a controller for years (big caluses on my thumbs - I looked deformed) and when I switched to a wheel it took me 3 months to get back close to my controller pace ......

Like you, I already knew the racing lines, so obviously the slower times with the wheel were because I couldn't "control the controller" (wheel) - not because I was a noob that didn't "know". You just need to learn the "feel" with the different kind of controller .....

To get that "feel" of the wheel and pedals, what worked for me was to drive quite a few different cars and NOT worry too much about lap times ..... just have fun, "toss" the car around, play with the lines, do things like it was "Bump and Jump". Maybe even battle with the AI in races.

For example, when learning with the wheel, you brake and just don't "feel" the car's deceleration. You brake, you look and then have to think: "Am I slowing? How much am I slowing? Am I slow enough now to start turn?" Your mind is relying on more than the visual (I see I am slowing down) - you need to learn that feel with the wheel almost as if you had never driven with some other controller. Same applies to the steering and gas.

IOW, you already know how to drive - you need to learn the new feel so that you sense the changes in the car's behavior more accurately and without having to "think".

Stick to it - you will get there. And the experience of immersion is so much better once you are comfortable with the wheel.
S2 licensed
Hi Heiko -

I was wondering if there is a website for your servers that would have such things as rules, stats etc??

Been watching from the remote and it sure looks like it is doing well
S2 licensed
My experience is that slight engine damage goes unheard ...... I was not able to hear the damage that was costing me 0.5 sec at BL and I don't notice it in Ant's replay.

More significant damage does have a distinct sound, to be sure (heard it plenty of times), but slight (but costly) damage does not cause that sound.

Betting quite a few ppls are driving with damage and not realizing it....
S2 licensed
Watched the replays ,,,,,

Looks like some engine damage already done by lap 28 (the first lap in your first replay). Tops speeds at end of straights already a bit low (1-2 mpr) given your smooth lines and exit speeds.

In the 3 replays - you are consistently shifting down to 3rd toooo early at the end of the long straight .... if you had been doing that for the first 28 laps, I'd expect there was already some damage and as you continued doing the same thing you added a bit more damage each lap thereafter.

btw, what was your fast lap in the first 28 laps? Nice lines - you should have been down to at least 134.0....

I had much the same problem some months ago (but doing hotlaps)..... but I was rushing the downshift to 2nd at the end of the start straight and losing 0.5 sec in just 5 laps.

S2 licensed
Here's a tweak that helped my poor old PC by 10-15 fps.... didn't see it mentioned here but I've seen it in other threads:

In View settings, choose Custom and then set Draw to none (no wheels or body). This will give you a view with no cockpit so you'll also want to use the virtual guages and mirror. Takes some getting used to but not too much. At Blackwood hot lapping, my frames went from 30ish to 40+ and similar affects when racing online.

At the same time, consider using a FOV of ~ 60 degrees. I was using 102 degrees and got a increase of 3-5 fps by going to 60..... plus you actually see the hills and valleys of the track (not nearly so flat looking).