Yey! Sometimes i was joining some server and forgot to look what track was there and i had to ask people who was racing there. So this feauture would be very useful.
Hello again!
I think this league needs forum so people can register there for team, like it was in Nations Cup...
I have established forum at now i need to configure it...
DieKolkrabe, PM me to get admin access.
add: but it will need more time to get more teams registered (about month) and if there will be more than 10 teams, we will need to change calendar and to make 2 groups and then make grand final ^_^
Yep, thanks. I won't race, I will be Team/Race Manager of Team Russia.
By the way, how you going to check if there was done some changes in setup? It's almost impossible to see.
Yeah, I've read the rules.
Can you please tell what should Team Director and Race Manager do?
I will ask who gonna race for us and tell you as soon as possible.
I can also help you with organisation and act as steward ^_^