Few millions playing it, i started on 2009. Too many baddies playing it nowadays so im just waiting for season 2 to start and ranked elo getting hard-re-set.
Oh and for guides i recommend leaguecraft, simple layout > complicated one. Its a good source for news and custom skins too.
Pittsburgh was in absolutely same kind of situation the lowest teams are right now (Edmonton, Florida, Colorado) and he pretty much singlehandedly (debatable) got them from a 2nd rate promotion to a team fighting for a playoff spot. Anyway, he was the core for their current success.
+/- might be true, but it will never balance out completely. You will still have that +5/-5% (roughly) of random events. However, Lydman played 78 games during this season and got only 25 points. That could mean hes just the guy who happens to be on the ice when the goal is scored on opponent and on the bench when Ducks get scored on. He might set up some plays, but since he doesnt even have high amount of assists, he might have had some luck with timing aswell.
This year was very weak for Kipper. 90.6sv% is way below league average which has been highest than ever. 91.5%-92.5%. It is a big margin. However, he has had his whole career going up and down. One season he might be Vezina-worthy, and the next one he is playing worse than a backup. It also can be of his huge workload, over 70 games / season is a big amount to any goalie. However, his age starts to deflect to his performances aswell. Same thing happened with Nabokov and Brodeur, all after the Olympics, not a coincidence.
Mikko Koivu can be looked as a superstar yes, but he isnt one in leagues eyes until he gets some individual recognition. He doesnt have PPG pace. And he has only 1 gold on team level (the one which came yesterday). He just hit his prime and maybe he can get his game on another level. But at this point, Koivu isnt a superstar in anyones but Finns and Minnesota fans. I hope he will because Saku was a great captain and Koivu has all the possibilities to follow his footsteps. However, he has shown signs of being clutch player, and thats what matters in big games.
Continuing on topic, please do ignore the nolifers.
Those numbers do not cover professionals, though. Where to get the numbers from that? I have no idea. I get the point though you're right.
The Rink size has small effects on many other things like pace, amount of passes, amount of dekes, positioning. It all changes which makes things complicated overall even though your point is valid.
The +/- Stat isnt so important because your opponent varies alot, youre not going to play against the same team for the whole year. You might get a huge blowout win 8-0 and be on ice on even strenght on all of them and then lose some games with -1 on your stats. This happens against very weak teams in the NHL.
Rask let some very easy ones in last 3 games, he wasnt ready for the pressure, even though he had a very great season. Almost Vezina worthy. Kiprusoff was a superstar, his numbers have been on decline since lockout, slowly but steadily. He is a streaky goalie, bit like Luongo and Brodeur, sometimes he is unbeatable and sometimes everything goes in. In the recent years he has has more of latter ones. Thomas on the other hand is getting his 2nd Vezina in 3 seasons. And in the recent one he set the new National Hockey League sv% record (done by Hasek) which some thought was unbeatable.
Koivu is a great player, great one. Lets put it this way. Crosby vs Koivu, both are very good. But one of them is a superstar and the other is not, even though Crosby can be said to be a generational talent. Koivu is a great leader, but he needs some individual awards and more team-success to get into that special group.
Malkins Conn Smythe trophy and PPG pace speaks for itself, During Penguins 2009 Cup run Malkin was the man carrying the team, not Crosby. And Malkin has been suffering from some very big injuries this season, bit like Parise.
Flamebaiting, sorry i dont talk with nobodies. Worse than aids. I dont even bother flaming you.
Shadow, i find it funny how you took that 1 bit where i insulted you, it was full of your troll.
@ Juzaa, those are very good point thanks for providing arguments.
+/- Stats are irrelevant on how good player is. Its just timing if youre on the ice when the goal is scored or not. Its a stat nobody really pays attention to. Bit like empty net goals (unfortunately they count).
I was talking about the Rink size effect to the NHL'ers. Using Kovy and Ovie as prime examples. Bergenheims NHL totals are 109 points in 326 games, that is a sign of a sub-par player (and a bust at his case), he is just on a hot streak which is a good thing for him and Tampa. Oh yeah, i remember Rask, he choked against Philadelphia in 3-0 series lead. I said that Saku is a shadow of former self, he is still a decent player. Selänne is only exception, he is just sick, just like Lidström. (Solanni is a funny way to call his name, i dont know why they do that in US). You name good, even some great players. But none of them are superstars (Except Selänne). To be a superstar as a goalie, you need to put up major numbers for a few seasons, 1-2 isnt enough but it looks promising.
I wanted to hear names on the level of Crosby, Malkin, Datsyuk, Stamkos, Thomas, Ovechkin, Kovalchuk and many more superstar (even elite) players. Rinne is closest one to them and he benefits from his massive size and Nashvilles defensive-minded system which inflates his stats to a small degree.
Can you link to me any stats if Floorball is #1 Sport right now? 100k people are screaming at kauppatori that Ice Hockey is right now
Best team might not always win. You saw this years World Juniors? Canada leading Russians 3-0 in Finals coming to 3rd period and then BAM they let 5 unanswered goals to Russia for gold medal. Collapses happen and it did happen to Sweden last night. Canada was much stronger than Russia in mens tournament aswell, however their defence fell asleep twice and Russia punished them on both times. Its hockey it happens. Its debatable whether the best team won but Finland definitely deserved the win, no doubt about it.
1 Thing - If you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough.
Kovalchuk and Ovechkin (0+0 for Ovie in the tournament) underperforming all season long, you should know that. Kovalchuk adapting to New Jerseys system and Ovechkin with his injuries. Selänne is a machine, but he will retire after this / next season. Datsyuk saw how much the team sucked this year and wouldnt want to have any part in it, perfectly understandable.
Saku Koivu is 2nd rate player, old shadow of himself. +/- stats are very irrelevant when checking how good a player is (Lydman, he didnt even get invited to the national team). Bergenheim emerged during these playoffs, he was "unknown" before them. You mention normal NHL players, where are the superstars?
You cannot win every year, but it was clear after last years Olympics that Russian players lost their trust in Bykov but the Russian sports committee gave him a 2nd chance, he failed at that. You saw what happened in 2008 and 2009 when team chemistry was nice, nobody could stop the Russians (and Canadians).
What comes to amount of hockey players, we have equal amount of them actually (no lie), Russia has much better system and coaches to produce superstars. And Hockey is #1 sport in Finland, ask anyone with brains, Football is #1 in Russia by far.
You have Finnish NHL'ers still in the playoffs and none of them are essential in their teams success, apart from Bergenheim and Niemi (and thats debatable, hot streaks and everything). Rask backing up Thomas whole season, Salo dead, Niemi good goaltender. Bergenheim doing his own thing.
Finns were the hungriest for gold, but not the best team in the tournament. Their team just clinched together and eventually they flourished for gold medal. Also, the ice size is a bigger thing than they claim - most of the NHL'ers are used to the smaller one and simply dont have the time to change their mindset in just few days for a whole new way to play hockey. Its much more physical in NA than in Europe.
Playing for themselves and not for the team is partially true, but i think bigger part is motivation problems because most of players dreams were crushed again on getting to hoist the cup.
I never said you shouldn't celebrate the victory, just keep your feet on the ground. I've seen too many asswipes screaming how good Finland is (#1 of all time etc. you know those delusional kiddies) today already.
Some people are retarded, lets clear some things up.
To Myffe; I never said Finland was bad. I meant that tournament wasnt best-on-best. That finals record just shows how Finns choke on most important situations (and they never win best-on-best). Yesterday was Swedens turn. Finland is steadily good, its been like that for ages. But they arent and never have been Top 3 for a long period of time. They have been for 1-2 years on few occasions and then drop out to 4-6 and that is it. What comes to decent team is that the top 2 leagues in the world are having playoffs while WC's are on and its known that they couldnt care less about this tournament when they are still fighting for their respective championship (NHL's Stanley Cup and KHL's Gagarin Cup)
I dont see top players like Crosby, Iginla, Stamkos Malkin, Datsyuk and tons more playing in the WC (Crosby and Malkin are injured but they always skip the tournament anyway), you know why? They couldnt care less if its not best-on-best (if their team has dropped out of the championship hunt) or they value their league more than WC. Last time close to best teams clashed was Can-Rus in 2008.
While Finns are usually always available, what does that mean?
Finland doesnt even have much NHL'ers and most of them are goalies.
And yes, alot of names sounded familiar on the roster, but lets face the facts - they werent even near the best available.
"5 million citizens" isn't excuse since hockey is most popular sport here in Finland unlike in other top hockey countries excluding Canada. They produce more players than any other European country, yet less superstars and more beer-league players. Explanation please.
Oh yeah, you aint remembered for finishing 2nd. You're remembered if you finish 1st on the big stage. WC isnt that (unless you win them consecutive times). World cup and Olympics are.
What comes to countrys success, i think 25 golds speak for themselves. And dont say to me that "Soviet Union, Soviet Union" - because they count. And even if they didnt, Russians still have more than you even in this current complete rebuilding process which is coming to an end soon hopefully.
1 Question to Myffe - Please name me all the Finnish superstars.
Oh well, these kiddies will understand that i was right someday.
DWB Knows that top 3 is Canada / Russia / USA in no particular order so he just laughs at these fools.
Its funny how people know so little, sad really. 1 perspective isnt the way you want to approach something.
PS. Crazypimp or whatever your name is. Get educated. Just look at yourself, isnt that kind of guy everyone would want to hang by balls? I think yes. Get lost nerd i dont talk with nobodies, they are worse than aids. You are sad and you should feel bad, go back to your mommys basement. Did you know that people can criticize?
Probably full of text-errors but they can figure it out.
E: The point is to keep your feet on the ground, there is a reason they call Finns the worst fans of the world.
Tabloids. They just want visibility. Majority knows whats really going on. As i said, Finland was too hungry for gold, when the rest bring out some decent rosters - everything will balance out.
Yep, and whooped Finlands ass "back-to-back" many times. 1 Win in a championship with not best rosters from most countries means very little overall. Dont be fooled by media, 2-11 is something i wouldnt boast about rofl.
But hey if you want to go in the bandwagon, go for it. But prepare for another dry streak.
Why they should be mad? Finland is 2-11 in finals and lost to Sweden in olympic finals. Please keep your feet on the ground. Its nice to have a 16-year drought broken but Sweden is the last country you want to boast about this lol.