Thanks for helping me guys, after all it was really easy to do!
But I still have some questions.
1.Is it possible to add more .elp files to the config.php?
I'm asking this because the data of my demo-server is in another database than the data of my race #1 and #2 servers. In the lfslapperscript I would like to show them both.
So what I'm asking is, is it possible to do something like this?
$file1 = "race.elp";
$file2 = "demo.elp";
If this isn't possible I will just make 2 lfslapperscripts on my website.
2.In the readme.txt, i have read the following: "After that the script was runned from LFS Lapper (or from u, simple calling the file "script.php") u can see the result calling the file "index.html".".
In my server LFSLapper will upload the database files automaticly to my webhost. But then the lfslapperscript doesn't update itself, or does it? In the readme you say, after the script was runned from lfslapper. Does this mean LFSLapper can update the lfslapperscript?
*BTW, i think i already found a solution for me, see attached file. It's a picture of a task scheduler of my webhost. Do you think this will work?*
I think it would be nice to make a little message on the page that will tell you when the database was updated for the last time.
3.Would it be possible to make a drift version of this script? I think it would be nice to have a lfslapperscript for driftservers where you can't see sector and laptimes, but where you can see the driftscore. Maybe it would be possible to use drift.html and driftconfig.php for this?
What do you think of this feature?
Also, if you want to, i think i can make the lfslapperscript xhtml1.0 strict and make a .css stylesheet so everyone can edit it to their own style. This would be nice for website implementations of the script.
Thanks for the help and the script till now, it's great!
BTW, the lfslapperscript is now online at