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S2 licensed
Quote from BigPeBe :Yea, I was actually asking how it could be physically possible, because it seemed like he was thinking it could be good addition for LFS. And far as I know LFS is trying to be realistic.

I'm all for being realistic, but in the case of force feedback, I'm actually against 100% realism. See, that wheel is all you have for knowing how the car behaves at any given moment (unless you're using one of those hydralic cockpits).

So yes, I'd like the wheel to get stiffer in a heavy corner, and then loosen up when the car looses grip. LFS used to require a wheel in order to get full analogue functionality, but today I find many options which makes it easier to control with a gamepad. Similarly, I guess you need one of those hydraulic cockpits to fully experience the force feedback today, but I'm hoping in the future that some of that can be transferred into a normal wheel setup as well.

PS. Wow, no mercy for the game in this forum, eh? Too bad that it doesn't seem like even half of you who posted it have tried it though.
I'm so sorry, but... I really want GRID!
S2 licensed
Race Driver... GRID... oh, god I want it... and it's by bloody Codemasters (which I guess it taboo on this forum, because I couldn't find a link about the game anywhere here yet).

I just played the demo, and I didn't even use a wheel, only the PS3 gamepad, but holy shit it rocked! And here's the kicker: I was able to pull unrealistically tight corners, yet not pull out of slides like I can in LFS, and still I loved every second of it.

Even though the handling wasn't top notch, it was damn fun. Even more suprisingly, for the first time in a video game, I felt like being inside a real car*. Man, the feeling of the suspension, the bumping into other cars, jumps, the collisions. It's like being in a Die Hard movie; not completely realistic, but GOD DAMN, what a ride!

And this is from the guys who embarrassingly enough up until Colin McRae 4.0 still pivoted the car around the center of the chassis!

I guess this new game engine they developed is rather flexible, since I read that it's going to be used for Flashpoint 2 as well (note, only a sequel in name, Bohemia Interactive are the real Flashpoint guys).

The worst part of the demo was that instant replays only records 10 seconds back. I do hope that the full game allows you to record the entire race. If not, that's probably the low-point of the game.

* Nope, LFS doesn't convey this fully because of the insistence of Scawen not to add more feeling to the force feedback, like G-forces... hmm, yet GRID managed this on a gamepad... can't really explain that. Need to test more. Anyone know if the PS3 version will support the Logitech wheels?
S2 licensed
Wow, just one reply?

You lot here have just completely given up on new tracks before S3, haven't you?
Will there be a new track for the TV show?
S2 licensed
It will be interesting to hear comments regarding the car in LFS on the TV show, I guess...

...but since they hopefully are going to race the real car on an actual track, isn't the real test to have that track modelled in the game so you can seriously start comparing (and testing), well everything really?
S2 licensed

The price for a minimal license was €25 000 (I can't remember what the price for the license where all data was provided was). Anyway, it's been three years since we asked now, and since then, numerous games have been released featuring the Nordschleife, so I bet the price has gone up.

One can only pray that Scawen & Co will gain enough money from S3 to get a license, becase I wouldn't mind paying for an SN version.
S2 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :Man, the in-car view in rFactor is HORRIBLE! It doesn't look or feel the least bit real to me. What's the game on the right?

Oh my god, I was convinced that the right image was the rFactor one! Absolutely amazing.

Quote from Bob Smith :No demo? How am I supposed to know if I want to buy it? Silly...

Wait, no demo? Then what is this 400mb file I am downloading?
FSAA and Anisotropic settings in the game
S2 licensed
Yes, I know you can force the graphics card to use both FSAA and Anisotropic filtering, but then you will get the UI, billboards and the lot filtered, and I'm not so sure that's optimal.

Settings for it in game would be nicer!
S2 licensed
Not that this isn't a good idea, but I was hoping for a LFS setup wiki. You know, basic stuff, cause and effect, and then guidelines for the different tracks, perhaps even corners, what too look out for, temperature guides, tyre strategies, etc. etc. All written in a way that a newbie player can understand.
Forum suggestions...
S2 licensed
I hope this is the right place for a thread like this:

* No visible post count to prevent spamming.
* No visible join date to prevent bullying.
* Same visual style as the official LFS site.

I bet more LFS World integration will follow as well (I hope).
Mirrors for the sake of "usability"
S2 licensed
Again, though I know that there is no performance to gain from this, I make a plea for the sake of "cleaning up" the amount of information thrown at you from the screen:

Please include an option to turn off the realistic mirrors, including those of the opponent cars, while having the virtual mirror on.

For me, there simply are too many sources of information/animation with all mirrors on, and I get a headache from it. Also, side mirrors on other cars should reflect the inside of the car (or a shiny reflection), since to be effective for the driver, they are tilted inwards.

I know that I could adjust the FOV, but that would restrict my viewing area. I also know about the radar mod, but that's so far been unreleased (and as long as you have to run it in a window, also unpractical), I think?