Yes it is written in vb6..
I can see you know a bit more than me about vb, so you can surely tell me how to make a single EXE file, wich include the ocx's and TTF font.
Maybe indeed that's a good idea about the vb runtime.. I will test that..
Ik will make a new installer, that only copies the exe and ini files to the program files directory.. and make shortcuts..
And for the System32 files, you need to install the VB6 runtime.
I will look into that right away.
And about the Shit, why did you install windows then?? lol
1. Click START
2. Click Control Panel
3. Click Network and Internet Connections
4. Click Windows Firewall
5. Click Tab Exceptions
6. Click Add Port
7. Enter an name for the new port such as "OutGauge Port"
8. Enter the port number you want to open up. in this case "4000"
9. Select wheter it should be UPD or TCP. in this case "UDP"
10. Click OK
11. Restart windows..
I am using the Matrox TrippleHead2Go Digital in combination with a HD4870 GPU wich has 2 DVI outputs..
On the secondary output I have the 8" connected..
Works amazing!
I will try to make color schemes.. No color editor..
If you have a scheme you would like to see. please take the screenshot and use paint to color it in.. and send it to me.. so i can try to make a scheme..