I am an admin over at the
[DoT] DevastationOfTexas Gaming community. Recently I discussed a plan with the founder of DoT about using some of our resources to host LFS servers and had no objections so I worked on the idea and plans to get things off the ground. The idea is to not turn DoT into a hosting company, but simply keep it as a community that provides for its supporters. The idea to include LFS servers into DOT came while I was setting up and admin'ing the back-end of IHR (IronHorseRacing), recently started by Killfix who I've known since entering S2 a year ago.
Here is how it works: DoT has a dedicated server box in the center of the USA that is not being used much. It is a dual-quad core xeon (yes, 2 physical CPU's, 8 cores--LFS poses no threat to this server!) with 6-IP's on a 100mbit line. I am constantly monitoring the server's state and most of the time it only sits at 30% cpu usage, and at most 10mbit up upload being used. So instead of letting it sit there or downgrading the server we've decided to give out servers as rewards for those who donate to our community.
We have a number of servers up or ready to go (Project Reality, ArmA2, L4D, L4D2, COD4, CODWAW, DOD:S, TF2, ZPS, Insugency mod, KillingFloor just to name a few!), as well as our own 100 slot vent server and will add any game and any mod that people are interested in. We are place for gamers to hang out and have fun.
You will not have to be a member of DOT if you do not want to be. That is your choice if you want to play and hang out with us or not, you only have to register with our site and after making a donation you will receive a reward based on that donation (see the LFS section of our forums). The idea is to have 3 Tiers:
Tier 1 will be a basic LFS server for up to 47slots/32racer. (minimal $ amount)
Tier 2 will be an LFS server and a private Forum section or private vent channel.
Tier 3 will be an LFS server, vent and forum sections. (max $ amount)
The reward will be in effect for 1 calender month from the date the server is set up and running. You will be able to choose your admins to control your LFS server, you will have a Web Interface to do this. If you have a private vent channel, you will have admin over that, same for a forum section.
I will be as flexible as possible when it comes to rewards because I want to help out as many people as possible. This is NOT a server
company, just a
community that offers servers for those who help support it.
Contact info:
Home Page:
Steam Group:
Xfire Group: