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little updates of these days:

euge is finishing the sideskrits and air intake

on the other side, i've started with the interior and new mirrors. No pics bc it stills to green lol
S3 licensed
Tuesday / Wednesdays morning progress:

I've finished the steering wheel. So today its time to start the interior.

Euge finished the front part with the air intake and hook on the bumper. Also noticed that the fuel inlet and roof were kinda diferent, so they where changed Tongue

Progress on the exterior so far:

To do list:
Interior (dashboard, screen, seat, safety net, and we have some tris left, details on the ground)
Headlight leds. I cant find any detailed pics of them appart for this frame from a rennsport video.

Mirrors.I may use fzr ones sice they look alike but probably i'll model them.

See you in the next report Big grin

p.s send new brains Dead banana
S3 licensed
18/02/22 - TODAY: I've started and finished the steering wheel, only textures are lef but i'll do them tomorrow. Progress bellow:

Used the 992 GT3 Cup steering wheel as reference but it had notable differences with GT3 R so i changed details later on.

Finished product. Porsche logo is just for display, that part will be skinnable Thumbs up

Euge (kenblock30) finished the front part so he started working on the front fenders and rear wing.

Progress on the exterior so far:

Andres (gtamax89) did extensive research on the specs of the car, found the majority of them except for the downforce values. Since this car started competing this year, is pretty hard to found certain documentation but we'll figure out it easily. He also found BOP values, so we decided to make the car according to the Nürburgring BOP regulations.

In the meantime, while asking why there's almost no technical info, we found out that no other sim has the 992 GT3 R in their catalogue, so we're one of the first making this driveable on a sim.

Thank you for your support, expect some progress in the week. Have a nice one Na-na
S3 licensed
Quote from superlame :Street legal version?

as far as i know the 992 gt3 r is only for track use
Porsche 992 GT3 R (PROTECH 92 GT3)
S3 licensed
Hello! we're exited to announce this new gt3 coming into lfs.
In this first ocation we decided to start a porsche 992 to start expanding the endurance series car pack.

This wouldn't be possible without the Argentina Turismo community, who've donated for this and future models. Special thanks to Terga for giving a big hand in this project.

I'll be doing a little recap and progress reports here.

25/11/2022: I've contacted Reitax ( to start working into an existing 991 gt3 r model ( Main idea was to build the rear lights with front-rear bumpers and spoiler, then starting working on LFS editor for the rest of the things.

04/12/2022 - 27/12/2022: First updates on the rear bumper and delivering of the model

19/01/2023: Lights and bumpers were to high poly so i've partnered with Terga to optimice the model we've bought. fist updates that week.

15/02/2023: Got the optimized model but still can be improved (mainly bad normals and unnecesary rounding) so i've started optimizing and maping in lfs editor. Finished that the same day since i was off work, 12hs of lfs editor.

16/02/2023: First importing into lfs to see how the lights looked

17/02/2023 - TODAY: We've noticed that the bonnet/fenders/front bumper its different from the 991, so to make it as exact as possible, kenblock30 started modifying the front part to match it. Got the first progress this morning.

So, today plans are finishing the front part and start modeling interior parts and the wing.

If you read all fo this, you're a legend. Have a nice weekend and see ya in the next report.

P.S: Thank you scawen for adding shortcuts into lfs editor. You made our lifes A LOT easier. Rofl
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :There are some shadow options. Quad core is fine for new LFS as it has two main threads (graphics and physics). That leaves 2 cores for OS use and other minor threads. I think 2.56 GHz should be OK for most things. I've been developing on a dual core CPU with 3.2 GHz (nice fast computer, despite what people seem to think). I imagine you might want to turn down some settings at heavy tracks. But I can't say anything for sure. That might struggle with a full field of visible cars at South City, for example. But my words are pure speculation. We aren't like a big game studio that has actual budgets for such things, it's more like have a go and see what happens, try to optimise what uses a lot of resources.

EDIT: As for shadow options, the biggest one is to switch off shadows in mirrors. But that means very illuminated mirror views if you drive in a dark place. I have on my list to have an option for the number of shadow cascades to be drawn in mirror, Maybe it will not be noticeable to skip the cascade responsible for the distant shadows, for the mirror view.

Also you can set 1024/1536/2048 for the texture resolution per cascade (number of cascades normally 4).

It could be possible to do more optimisations like options to remove smaller objects from the distant cascades. So you still get building shadows but small objects don't produce a shadow which you probably can't see anyway. The trouble with shadow maps is they can draw a lot of things that you can't see and make no difference to anything, but it's hard to stop them doing that in a good way.

I think it always uses the same LOD for the shadow, as for the main object.

But LOD2 is still used to create the soft ambient shadow below the car, even if main object is LOD1.

Talking about mirrors, i've seen some sims that only show the road/grass and the cars on the mirror, that should really help fps on low/medium end pc's
S3 licensed
Made a skin for it Smile i raced it today and it feels gorgeous. i'll fit it for the cup version in the future Big grin
S3 licensed
this attention of detail is unhealthy. loved the work, keep it up!
S3 licensed
Quote from KiiT1337 :With this feature added to lfs, i was wondering about oil temperature and its behaviour during LOTS of laps and torture to the car engine.

Back in 0.6H i used to do few hotlaps on FXO and felt like after 6,7 laps on Aston at a high pace the car itself feels slower or has a small loss of power.

My question is, that really happens? Or the oil temp was there just for funny measure and no use at all?

Quote from LFS Manual:

Oil temperature gauge: The current Oil temperature. If the cooler has been damaged in a crash the engine temperature will rise and the driver should take care not to push too hard because this might destroy the engine. This is not enabled yet. It may also be Water Temperature, but the same principles above will apply.

You may got engine damage doing agressive downshifts or killed tyres Tongue But oil-water temp aren't measured
S3 licensed
this is impressive. keep it up! i would love to see it online.
S3 licensed
Vehicle mod: STAGE START
Details page:

Quote :Stage start for rally events

Quote :Stage start for rally events, made enterely in lfs editor

S3 licensed
lovely option to repair the engine but isn't 12 secs too little for a major engine damage? should be at least 30 or 1 minute.

ps. one more sugestion and i'll shut up Rofl

Can we have all mirrors setting back like in 0.6v? I found them helpful on cars like the prototype 2 and future modern gt cars since they don't have ''analog'' central mirrors but virtual ones.
S3 licensed
looking dope. i've made an amg gtr mod a while ago. maybe we can start a gt4 class
S3 licensed
talking about minor and major damages, any chances to avoid cosmetic repairs to save time? like only repair suspensions and engine or solo suspensions.
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S3 licensed
30/facu23/Matias Galván/Argentina/Kind Runners
S3 licensed
I have a suggestion with the pit limiter thing. Would it be possible to set the limiter speed freely? with some cmd like /setspeed 80 or /setpit 80. Would be cool to vary layout pit speed Tongue cheers for the update
S3 licensed
sign up closed - inscripciones cerradas
AT - 6 Hours of Aston. ONLY SIGNUPS (closed)
S3 licensed

La carrera se llevará a cabo el Domingo 13 de Noviembre de 2022 a las 09:00 hs hora Argentina (12:00 hs UTC) y tendrá una duración de 6:00hs.
Será válida para la categoría LMP2 (Prototype 2).
El circuito a utilizar será Aston Grand Prix (AS5) de 8.8km de extensión, con condición climática de Día claro y viento suave (Viento 1).

Se correrá en formato con cambio de piloto, con un mínimo de 2 y un máximo de 3 tripulantes por auto.

A continuación los interesados en participar deberán registrar la inscripción con el siguiente formato:

Nombre del Equipo: Example Racing
Número: del 02 al 99
Jefe de equipo: {usuario, nombre apellido}
Discord del jefe de equipo:

- {usuario, Nombre Apellido, País} NOTA: Una linea por piloto, 3 lineas máximo.
- {usuario, Nombre Apellido, País}
- {usuario, Nombre Apellido, País}


teamName: RC Racing
number: 36
teamManager: {GTAMAX89, Andres Gentile}
Team leader discord user: Andrés G.#7618

- {facu23, Matías Galván, Argentina}
- {GTAMAX89, Andres Gentile, Argentina}
- {KenBlock30, Eugenio Sequira, Argentina}

Cierre de inscripciones: Domingo 6 de Noviembre
Reglamento en español:


The race will take place on Sunday, November 13th, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. UTC and will last 6:00 hours.
It will be valid for the LMP2 category (Prototype 2).
The circuit to be used will be Aston Grand Prix (AS5) of 8.8 length, with weather conditions of clear day and low wind (Wind 1).

It will be raced in a driver change format, with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 crew members per car.

Next, whoever is interested on taking part of the race must register on this forum thread with the following format:

teamName: Example Racing
number: from 02 to 99
teamManager: {username, Forename Surname}
Team leader discord user:

- {username, Forename Surname, Country} NOTE: one line per driver, 3 maximum
- {username, Forename Surname, Country}
- {username, Forename Surname, Country}


teamName: RC Racing
number: 36
teamManager: {GTAMAX89, Andres Gentile}
Team leader discord user: Andrés G.#7618

- {facu23, Matías Galván, Argentina}
- {GTAMAX89, Andres Gentile, Argentina}
- {KenBlock30, Eugenio Sequira, Argentina}

Signup closes on Sunday November 6th.

Mas info y reglamentos en AT Discord - More info & rules in AT Discord:
Last edited by Facu23, .
S3 licensed
made a 8x8 rockinham pack just for the joke. idk if it increases any fps, hope it does.
S3 licensed
Tnx nando for keeping this thread alive ur a goat
Low-Res dds pack for WE, BL & RO
S3 licensed
If you have a potato pc this may help you.

I've rescaled almost all textures from westhill, blackwood and rockinham down to 256x256px. Still legible and distinguishable (? - sry translate).

I may be doing a 128x128 pack just to see how much i can compress the textures until you cant even distinguish them lol

hope this help to increase ur potat pc fps Thumbs up
S3 licensed
I don't know if this belong here but, there's people using private / deleted mods online thanks to some cheat engine script. This worries me a lot since it can bother on some mods devlopment
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S3 licensed
Franco Colapinto F3 2022 helmet