sorry if i dont understand all i'm french and bad in english and all what you just said are true and i know if i pay my own lfs is better but i dont have money, and my mother dont want pay by internet XD ... haaa my mother ..
so its why i go at my friend home or he come with her laptop if we/i want play, i'v my own demo lfs but .. well .. you understand lol and yes its suspicious thats true but i dont have proof maybe a pics with my friend and my and her laptop open with s2 master server open lol but i dont know if he have a ''kodak''
so sorry for all take your time, and thanks in advance
i already have the bov -_- and the same sound in the video with my friend liscence i just want the bov more louder and long and you say we cant, yes you can edit that for that, you need lfs tune, i want that sound for play with my friend liscence, if you make the sound louder and longer and i dont have the liscence i cant heard that any way ! its why i use the liscence of my friend some time and i'm poor with sound editing its not hard to understand -_-
(edit: if you dont want edit that for me edit that for user with a own liscence, or just say no, i dont have the time for explain why i want that sound and with what liscence i play and for what and where and what's the temperatur of my cpu and my gpu and my power suply and my hard drive and the number of teeth i have