I wrote an app (InSimBuddies) which gives you the ability (while in-game) to check if some given S2 racers are racing online and, if yes, at which host.
I know that this app probably won't be of much use, but I wrote it to satisfy my programming needs

, so I'm posting it.
This app connects to lfs via InSim and uses lfsw to check if the given racers are online.
The app can be found here
Please post any comments/suggestions
How to use:
Extract the file to get the executable of the app.
You can place this file anywhere you want on your hd.
If you have previously created multiplayer games(and thus changed the default ip address and admin pass values) then start the app(so that the configuration file is created) and then close it in order to modify the configuration file properly.Information on modding the configuration file is provided later in this post.
It's time to start up the app.
As you can see, there is a white panelat the right of the main window.This panelis the racers' list field.All the racers (your buddies) that the app is going to check if they are online are those who are listed there.
In this list, racers are organized by teams.So, firstly you create a team, in which you are going to add racers.
To add a team, right click at the white panel and select "Add Team(s)".
Write the name of the team in the window that appears (e.g. "Others" for racers that don't belong to a team), or write many names seperated by commas and click "OK".
The names you entered appeared at the white panel.
To add a racer to a team, select the team you want, then right click on it and select "Add User(s)".
Again, write the
LFS S2 ID of the racer in the window that appears, or write many ids seperated by commas and click "OK".
In order to make the app ready to serve you, you need to do one more thing (or 2 :P).
Click on the "Click Here to Start" button, and the app asks you for your "lfsw identification key".
Due to some
changes at the lfsw pubstat system , you have to create an identification key in order to be using lfsw this way.
To create one, log in at , double click "My LFSW Settings", select "Pubstat Access" tab(from the upper part of the settings window) and click "Generate Ident-Key". The string of characters that appears is your identification key.Copy it to clipboard and paste it at the window that asks you for it.Click "OK"
If you haven't placed the executable of the app at the same folder as LFS, it will ask you to point it to the LFS.exe file.Do so, and you are now ready.
The app auto-executes LFS and connects to it.Then it minimizes, and an icon appears at the system tray.From now on, you won't need to use the app(don't close it).All your moves are gonna be from inside LFS.
To check if a specific user from the list is online, press 't' and write
/mso <user's LFS S2 ID>
To check if a team's racers are online, press 't' and write
/mso <name of the team from the list>
To check if all the users from the list are online, press 't' and write
/mso all
(e.g. if you want to check for me

write "/mso Falcon1" as long as you have Falcon1 on your racers' list)
Then press enter.
Then you will see a message at the upper-left part of the window(where all the messages appear) informing you of the results of the checking.
That's all, just don't forget to close the app after you close LFS.
Find the icon at the system tray,right click on it and select "Exit".
Info on the structure of the configuration file:
(if you don't know what you are doing, don't mess with it)
inport=port which LFS uses to send the data to
lfsport=port which is used to send the data to LFS
idk=your ident-key
pass=the Admin Password (if you have set one - else leave blank)
host=the IP Address (if you have set one - else leave blank)
lfspath=the path of LFS.exe (including LFS.exe e.g. D:\George\LFS_S2_ALPHA_P\LFS.exe)
teams=team names seperated by commas
<name of team #1>=<LFS ID of member#1>,<LFS ID of member#2>,...
<name of team #2>=<LFS ID of member#1>,<LFS ID of member#2>,...