Total stats:Travelled distance:6629 MlFuel burnt:3284 Ltr Laps:2187 Hosts joined :1123 Races won:9 Second:15 Third:18 Finished:180 Qualifications:11 Pole Positions:0 Drags / Wins:60 / 5 and i use the logitech Formula force ex wheel.
Am looking for uk time if possible I drive fox fxo and GRT cars and XF car.
Man i wish it could be in the uk or i would of gone but i got no car yet i ask the dev to get a real car like a fxo type car see if he can make it to real JOKE.
Seriously, put it in the server description, somthing like "All types of racers welcome, bashers are not." Good idea now why didint server hosts think of doing that?