linux is FREE, more stable than windows (if u use it as a server anyways), more cpu-efficient, free programs (pretty good substitutes for win software mostly), alot more configurable
it is however, harder to use / install
altho some distros are pretty noob-friendly nowadays
dual booting is annoying and wine doesnt run all windows apps, and can be buggy on the ones it does run
only reason for me to install linux again, is when i should buy a second pc
i tried Gentoo, Mandrake, Redhat and FreeBSD back in the day
rly cant be arsed to install linux anymore, u WILL need windows for some things anyways
but yea i think Ubuntu would be best choice now
i prefer gnome, but its just what ur used to i guess
Protest Against: (LFS Username)
Type of Protest:(Unfair Overtake or whatever)
uhm blocking / causing an accident
Description:(Your opinion of what happened) immediatly after the restart in the last lap of race2, while i was passing at a significantly higher speed than him, he suddenly moved left without a reason; bumping me on the grass. In T1 a few seconds later, got hit (hynnienen too i think) by him again.
Which Event / Session: (Quali or Race 1/2/3) race2lap 14/14
Attached Evidence:(Attach your pictures, or other evidence) mpr of the race..
no offense m8
DeadWolfBones does indeed take blocking action against Fastwalker. He misjudges the considerable speed advantage that Fastwalker has and as a result, puts him on the grass. Fastwalker is also at fault here for passing before the start/finish line which is explicitly against the rules. This is what gave Fastwalker the huge speed he had relative to the rest of the field and therefore what gave him the opportunity to pass. So neither party is innocent in any way here.
Given that neither party was disadvantaged from this incident, neither driver will be deducted points.
Both drivers receive a warning about their conduct.