hello, was wondering if there is a package of cameras to track open (BL1X, KY2X, Y. ..).
or have to edit the positions of the cameras to work best in open circuit?
Sorry for my English.
I used the source, took what was already in 1024 x 768 and up the executable (this is it and who was looking for one with 1024x768 resolution)
NOTE: I just did save the credits is the DavidTiger.
link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XHVUSXZ5
Hello, I'm here on behalf of the grid LFS, a Brazilian league,
to report a few bugs that has been hapening after the new patch 6b came out.
One problem is the drop in fps with the setting lanes open,
many pilots are complaining about this, even the ones with excellent settings,
another problem is when I'm on the server and suddenly I get disconnected with the following message appearing "avoiding buffer crash (ok)",
and we are also getting the "Unknown packet type" problem. We'd like to know if this has been happening with you as well or if it is an isolated case.
Team Name: GridLFS Racing Team Car Model: FXR Team Manager: Thiago Carvalho / Thiago Carvalho Team Vice-Manager: fernandoigor / Fernando Ígor Drivers:
Thiago Carvalho, Thiago Carvalho, Brazil
fernandoigor, Fernando Ígor, Brazil
KaiqueBRA, Kaique Piropo, Brazil
mailliw, William Lima, Brazil
mill3num, Marcio Moraes, Brazil
Corso, Guilherme Corso, Brazil
ctrlc, Vinicius Matheus, Brazil
armelim, Angelo Carlos, Brazil
marchioro, Salvio Marchioro, Brazil
tchelo, Marcelo Dal Mas, Brazil
xando, Xando Blos, Brazil
A. Araujo, André Araujo, Portugal
Bessa74, Rui Bessa, Portugal