Sorry for the late post, but wanted to get 2 things in one post and the 2nd has taken a while longer to sort out
1. 2008 UK meet was fantastic, Big thanks to Ben for organising a great event. Big sorry for my poor performance in Newcastle Town Saturday evening, I was actually hungover from the night before (had a few too many at the hotel after we checked in

) and I don't handle hangovers very well

, so felt rough pretty much all day and night (and that was race day

Still, met some great people and had some great races and chats. If you'd have said to me 6 years ago when I discovered this little gem called Live For Speed that I have adored ever since that I would be racing (in front of.......for a while.....then along side him........then a little behind him....then getting further bloody behind him.......) one of the developers of this amazing game I would have said

...No way..but I have and that is remarkable and true testament to the support they give to the LFS community. Thank you Victor for some great racing, I held you off for as long as I could....3 turns I think

and to all the others who turned up (of whom there are too many to mention), had some great battles, but rarely knew who it was as all I could see was the occasional eyes).
2. 2009 UK Karting Meet - ALL DAY EVENT - 6 Hour Race
Basically as Jason (SR turkey) has already posted, I went down to Llandow Karting circuit today to see whether we could hire the circuit for the entire day with the option of staying for 2 nights at the circuit. So far the response has been very positive, they have agreed in principle that they would hire out the circuit for the day (cost permitting) which would include staying at the circuit for 2 nights. Assuming race day is saturday, that would be Friday and Saturday night at the circuit.
They have also agreed to the 6 hour team endurance race I suggested, again as jason said, there are 12 Karts, 3 in each team (1 of them SCAVIER maybe :shrug

each driver does 3 x 40 minute stints (2 hours total race drive time each :nod

. IF we get more interest than the approximated 36, then we simply add more drivers per team, but 36 is a good starting point for an all day event.
BTW -I had a little 'arrive & drive' while I was there, and I can confirm, it's a great track, nice, grippy surface, great for endurance
I have written a massively long e-mail to the Karting centre describing all our requirements should we wish to hold the event at Llandow to see what they can offer and at what cost. Hopefully this shouldn't be too much per head, especially when you consider that accomodation and food & drink will be taken care of. All you have to do is get there

Will post more details as soon as.....