Our special 12h Event on Fern Bay Black will be starting @ 25.4.09 10:00 (GMT+2).
All Grids nearly full. (http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=56537)
If somebody is free to broadcast at this time we would be very happy to stream this great Event! Game-TV.de said yes before, but unfurtunally his LFS-Broadcaster has moved his Appartment and he have slow Internetconnection now. Thats why im asking here You dont have to commentating this 12h non-stop, we just need a Video/Audio Screen and our Admin Team can make important Information in your Stream.
Game-TV.de are not able to stream this.. sad . But if you somebody know who could stream this, please post here or pm me! Commentatory are able to use our Ventrilo or Teamspeak Server.
Yes, theres one slot free in NGTR, we didnt updated fast, so you are in, just make a sign-up in our Forum
@EliteAti: Sry, but the GTR Slot is full again, there is still free room in the TBO Class, so please take a TBO Slot It could be possible there will be one slot free in GTR but nobody knows You can Sign-Up for TBO first, and if there is a slot free in GTR you can change your class immediatly!
Hi, only one of your Team are allowed to be on track and you can do driver changes every time you want. You have to be in Teamspeak so we Admins are able to talk to you. (You still have time to get your mic working )
For Example of Driver changes:
Your Teammate drives the start, 1 hours. Then he will give you the car ( Driver change ). Then you will drive 1 hour, and so on....
hm... lot of drivers voted yes in this thread, but u maybe missed our 12h Race Thread or why is of you not joining who posted something in this thread?
There are only 3 weeks remaining before it will go really loud in the idyllic Fern Bay.
We are still looking for 7 teams who dare to participate in this spectacle.
Whether NGTR, LRF or TBO class: there are still empty places which want to be filled.
For participating teams: All other information about the qualification can be found within the next week in our 12h forum.
Until then, good training!
Regards, the 12h Admin's