your work is really much appreciated.
There are just some minor issues left before its perfect.
It would be very nice if the AngleVelocityAction also could use a variable for the account name rather than just the nick name (for licensed servers).
It should be possible to use that variable for all autoactions wich use commands like /kick /spectate /pitlane and so on.
Another nice feature would be some sort of inactivity timer wich puts people into spectate if they dont race - wich would also need that account name variable for licensed servers.
Thats all for now.
Thanks in advance!
Very nice add-on.
It should be part of the LFS dedicated server wich still needs lots of improvements - unfortunately i dont see any effort of the developers focusing on multiplayer and server stuff, they might be busy with the physics thing for the next half year. So your add-on is kinda like a fresh breeze on the server side of things.
Would it be possible when you type !stats that you also see your position on the server's pb list? Its kinda tough to look up your position on a list with more than 400 names on it. An auto-msg for a decent laptime would also be nice, currently it just auto-msgs for decent split times. Could the pb list be formatted differently for tracks with just 1 split time? It shows loads of 00:00s on tracks with just 1 split.
Am i correct by saying that the auto-kick feature only works on demo servers since its not using the account names?
Visit our ventrilo server.
Better voice quality than any teamspeak codec.
Well established community voice server, up to 50 LFS racers there during peak hours.
Join the fun! http://fragmaster.net/vt
Honestly, no lag...
I just got a 1mbit dsl connection and i experience no lag with 23 players on the server and at the same time even more on ventrilo. Works awesome. As it always did in the past 3 years on various multiplayer games.
Besides, we got seperate channels - so racers can be easily seperated from the rest of the crowd.
Dont be skeptical unless you tried it. Most people say they never could have imagined how much fun it is.
If you want to experience lag free voice chat at its best... please visit us - even if you dont (want to) have a microphone. Dont be shy!
we´ve taken it even one step further. We run a public ventrilo voice chat server wich is open to everyone. When we do our events its required that the participants are on our voice chat - even if they dont have a mic, they still are able to hear our commentary. Its always great fun to put a voice behind someones name. Text chat is really obsolete these days, and honestly too slow to quickly tell someone to obey a rule or to provide a decent and fun commentary.
We have alot of fun on voice chat and we've met loads of nice, friendly people. Sometimes there are up to 30 people from all over the world.
Give it a try, http://fragmaster.net/vt
See...ermm hear ya there :-)
This guy is weird...
First i got a message from him inquiring how i am able to drive 100 km within 5 minutes. I tried to answer him asking where he gathered that information from but the system just said user not found. A few days later he sends me another msg telling me in a rude way that i am sick and need to get a life. Obviously he was refering to my LFS addiction and the statistics for this month.
Now he sits on his own locked server with his friend wusel on a 1 Lap race, currently getting a win on the monthly stats every other minute. I assume just to pi.. me off and to prove his point of being the best LFS player? With people like him the monthly stats are pretty useless.
Try to access his online race statistics and you shall see that this user cannot be found - what is he hiding? His glorious 1 lap wins?
That doesnt sound like a fair player, does it??
Agreed. I must admit that i experience a lack of patience after being taken out 20 times by cars standing on the track.
The entry screen is a splendid idea and i hope it will be added very soon.
Let me introduce myself, I am that "overenthusiastic" admin.
We dont have many rules on our server but obviously those few rules are too much for you. One of them rules says "standing on the track gets you banned".
We have many players on the server almost 24/7. I cant argue with everyone who doesnt understand that simple rule. I must admit that sometimes people cant pit because a player is connecting or something else is going on. Since you didnt mention that (or at least i havent seen you mention it) i assumed you were just standing there. I just kicked you even though the rule says "ban".
Minutes later you were standing on the track calling a vote for restart. Standing on the track ruining other peoples race is stupid enough but standing on the track calling votes for restarts deserves a 24h ban - how many 1000 times do i have to push my bind telling people to not stand on the track? A 1000 times is not enough? Is it so hard to press shift+s after crash/spin off/damaged car? I really cant imagine that.
Instead of clearing the track, wich would have solved all problems, you started argueing with me. Obviously you didnt want to understand that the only thing i wanted you to do is to clear the track!
We want people to enjoy their races but unfortunately some people just dont care about others. Rules are not there to piss people off - rules are made to ensure everybody gets the most fun out of it.
Shift+s my friend and you would never have got into trouble.
I hope this cleared things up.
Happy Racing!
sometimes typing in those funny names with special characters can be a real pain in the a.. cough and sometimes it doesnt even work because i dont manage to recreate those names. So it would come in very handy to be able to ban/kick/spectate someone by using his (slot)number rather than typing in the whole name.
Thx in advance!
its not enough to simply open up the ports on your router, you have to forward those ports to the LAN IP address of the machine wich hosts the server.
This is also done in your router setup. Look for portforwarding, it might be called different though.
Hope this helps.
i got a S2 licence and i wonder why lfsworld doesnt register any races i do. It also shows me always as being offline even though i'm on a server and logged in to lfsworld. I play on my own server wich runs in demo mode on a dedicated machine directly connected to the internet. This server shows up in the lfs in-game server browser and people can connect to it without any problems. But this server doesnt show up among the demo hosts list on lfsworld.
Do i have to play on S2 mode servers to be seen by lfsworld or does my in-game player name have to be the same as my lfsworld account name, wich is not the case? How do i get my server recognized by lfsworld?`
Thx for any answers!