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Demo licensed
i try now xrg, much easyer

how to seet costom view in reverse

its hard to my hand to press R all time

i think someone fast racer must try hotlap in reverse on oval. because its possible that some car is faster on oval in reverse, because you use just one gear, so whateva, of course you must use adeqate setup for car racing
Demo licensed
thanks you very much, you are nice person
peace -)
send setup
Demo licensed
what if i press SS (send setup) in coloumn where is host??
Reverse driving
Demo licensed
Anyone got good setup?
which view to use? always hold look behind button? or mirror?

general discusions about setups

550 Nm 25%

to achive about 100 mph in reverse

1,7 - 1,9 bar pressure in tires
max chamber

any good?
current PB 1 43 xx XFG
Demo licensed
can you please make look like that for demo
Demo licensed
Quote from vipex123 :formula bmw car priced at $50,000 brand new. Fact.

As for the rest..

Demo licensed
Quote from Fuse5 :threads would be so much better
if the OP actually put some ****ing effort in it

im demo racer i dont have effort
Demo licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :£24 for the whole lot.

Seriously though, why wildly speculate over the price of entirely fictional cars?

maybe they are fictional for you
for me they are real
i want make factory that make lfs cars real, so asking
Demo licensed
Quote from ImudilaSkyline :bf1 1$

isnt that too low price
if true then everybody drive bf1
approximate price of LFS cars
Demo licensed
price of new cars

uf1 10000USD
xfg 30000USD
xrg 40000USD

dunno about other cars because i havent got license, post please
price based on specifications, look
Demo licensed
You made such a great job with this lincence. But yeah there is probably better investment than making tons of no life kids online unfortenaulty i didnt met your requirements for lincense
Demo licensed
Quote from CheerioDM :You had me at Hello.
You have to tell me what hardware you have so I
know it is worth the expense.
And I want pictures.


My hardware specs:
AMD HD6770

pictures of my computer? (comming soon)

I already posted replay of me driving, very good time

I will be very thankful to you
Demo licensed
Quote from PoVo :he will report you to federal buru investigation

already did, waiting for reply...
Demo licensed
Quote from scipy :I've just finished watching a WONDERFUL movie. Here's the IMDb link:

In any case, Mr. Milkman, you'd be at the top of my "to do" list if I was ever to experience a "Last Action Hero" moment and find myself within the movie world.

Now, please go away before I make it my life's mission to harvest most of your organs and subsequently buy ~1250 S2 vouchers from the black market organ sales profits and wholeheartedly post them in a thread here.


man is happy after he shoots neighboor, and then kill his child... in dreams
he divorced
he find woman he is attracted to
woman suis him to the boss
he lost job
why he not kill that woman
he is complete ***hole at begging, after tumor i feel sorry for him
he hate stupid celebs
he find nice young girl
he kill people
"im not attracted to you because you are child" "and you think im ugly"
dont understand why he didnt f***ed her when she offered
at final show he kill really a lot people

so, you buy me lfs s2? no need to 1250, 1 is enough
Demo licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :$3USD/gallon

32 USD/3 USD

keep moneys



(Also, where teh feck are you at? I'm gonna hazard a guess I know where you are)

can i pay s2 with milk?
if someone buy me S2, he can come to my farm, stay a week and i give him 10 gallons of milk. fair enough?
Demo licensed
Quote from rockclan :Trash, Greenhouse, Airpollution, Mankind, is Causing, It's own, Execution. World War, Violence, Racism, Hate, Why-y, Can man, Not choose there own, faith, anymore.

Fear for the death, rape murder death!

noone of these in amish community
check film, youll see amishes are good people
Demo licensed
Quote from Crizze :"We been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
We're just plain and simple guys
Living in an Amish paradise"

amishes are good people, going to school with few of them
Demo licensed
Quote from Sueycide_FD :Not going to lie. 5 laps is alot. Around the ring.

Demo licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Even if I had enough money, I don't think begging is the way to go. Prove you deserve it not just 1 lap.

have you seen replay, there is actualy whole race, 5 laps. you want more laps? no problem
Demo licensed
Quote from b1kzit :If only I could sig!

I think that the majority of people here don't want to give him S2 because it's hilarious for him to still come up with reasons why he cannot buy it himself.

Yet join date Nov 2011?

I played lfs a lot in 2007-2009, but lost password for account and cant remember eactly username, now new
Demo licensed
Quote from lameduck :Dairy farm in the Mojave desert?

its not just dairy farm, its general all stuff can be found here
Demo licensed
I'm not troll (nor amish), deal with it!!!
Demo licensed
Quote from Kristi :This thread goes insane and more and more useless

unfortenalty i have to agree with you, but i just want s2 license
Demo licensed
Quote from matijapkc :lol
Cooking is enough, at least they teach us it is (in school I mean). But they put stuff in the milk so it doesn't spoil (right word?) and they reduce milk fat (is milk fat the phrase you use?)...
E: Btw, don't believe everything your mom says...

you go to milk school?
Demo licensed
Quote from tbofram :hmmm fair enough, but when we ran a farm we did the same but we processed the milk the we drank in-house (cheaper then buying at store). dude if i had the money to spare i would give you it but i really don't

mom says that cooking isnt enough, they have special machines for processing to expel bacteries...
I understand that many people will buy me license but they just dont have enough money, thats really nice to hear from you, I see you are nice person
But what with people that have money