Victor, what you think about creating official LFS servers ?
What you mean ? As I wrote earlier there are about 400 licensed hosts and about 200 demo, so there are enough servers. I meant that there is not enough players on these s2 hosts.
The [AA] hosts are popular as well, but all demo hosts.
In demo AA and MRc are the most popular servers, but not all their servers are demo. Hosters made S2 servers too but they are empty, so that is the reason why they focussed on demo I think.
I think there are about 50000-100000 real accouts, other are duplicate ornot used at all. Correct me if I not right.
I think it's not a problem, devs allowed cruising and drift so kind of driving not main ( of cource I think that LFS is simulator so it would be better to makefocus on racing, not on drift or cruise ).
S3 will not change something in this point. Yes, many players will be back to racing, maybe there will be 2000-3000 racers online in the same moment, much bigger number possible if devs make advertising of course. But not all will buy S3 in few days, some will left in s2 ( inactive or just disappointed with S2 or something else ), but demo will left demo.
Maybe it will be better choice. Left 1 car and 1 track or something like that. Also it will be great, if licensed content will be not able to download. You download LFS with 1 car and 1 track than go to Unlocking, enter your password and account and LFS automaticly start downloading full version with all content.
Max licensed racers for the last month ( average ) 500
Licensed hosts for the last month ( average ) 400
Max demo racers for the last month ( average ) 800
Demo hosts for the last month ( average ) 200
Current number of servers 500 ( Can join 450 )
Current number of public servers 370 ( Can join 330 )
Current number of public servers ( no empty ) 105 ( Can join 91 )
Current online racers 1300
Current servers with Blackwood 190 (38%)
Distance driven total 1,770,800,000 Km
Distance driven on Blackwood 465,000,000 Km (26,5% of total)
As you can see there are more demo users than licensed. What you think about it ? I write, because there are many full demo servers, some hosters focussed on demo, but I know only 1 s2 servers hoster that have full servers -, other servers are just empty ( I mean racing servers ) but there are few good cruise and drift servers with enough players.
I think LFS need more licensed servers to become more and more popular. I think one of methods is any kind of limiting demo license ( few days or hours of playing ). Share your opinion please.
Special K 19, hello. So you will make 10 races of 25 laps ? All combos are bl1+fbm. It's good idea for demo racers. There are many fast demo racers. I have 2 suggestions :
1. Qual 15 min max. 30 mins will be boring.
2. 25 laps it's about 30-35 mins. You can install Airio to your server and set race time to 30 mins and allow pilot change. For example in the teams will be 2-4 members so minimal time to drive to even member will be 5 mins.
Hello! I know, that I don't response for the russian translation, but I noticed few mistaces in translation. If guys that translated to russian will reply here, i will be happy. Thanks for attention.