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S2 licensed
That is a very strange issue..
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Oh mate, you can ask my fellow friends here who i play with that i do plenty of team work, please don't judge me if you havent played with me..
S2 licensed
So nowadays you just run to the MCOM without killing people..? Even tho my W/L ration is over 1.05 for me it's still about what the player is going to do to get to the objective.
S2 licensed
One game doesn't proove anything, your overall K/D is what it matters..
S2 licensed
Nub IMA pwn u , anyways got back from holiday and didn't expect my DayZ Commander to be flooded with updates, I hope they are worth it..
S2 licensed
I think you have DDR2 memory, if you do you wouldnt get anything good out of it, altho there is not much difference between DDR2and DDR3 it would affect performance but 4Gb isn't much for games but for big open world games the render of the world is slower. Also if you are willing to play TDU2, you would need some new processor, such as i5 2500k or Phenom X6 if you are tight on money..
S2 licensed
Oh stop it you!
S2 licensed
Happened to me, what I did was, I turned off my pc unpluged the power supplie took out the card cleaned the slot, booted up went to safe mode with networking, went to nvidia site downloaded latest drivers, rebooted and worked..
S2 licensed
But that doesn't ruin the picture does it?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
If you enabled your AA/AF it could look better..
S2 licensed
I got most of the rare gear, because i was one of the first online.. AS50 as sniper, M4A1 CCO SD, Rangefinder, NVG's.. and a ghillie, there was about 32 players on one spot it was hard to move around i had 20-30 fps, then a hacker came moved us at NWA and started spawning flying cows and I immedeatly left.
S2 licensed
Today played with YouTuber, FRANKIEonPC he had a giveway such as Weapons, NVG, GPS's.. so glad that i got on the to the server..
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Oh, look a demo user on FE..
S2 licensed
I wanted to show you how to temporarily fix the artifacts glitch in DayZ, this was my first voice tutorial and was abit nervious sorry about that. Give a like if it helped you and it fixed it. This is not 100% guaranteed that it will work for everyone but all of my mates have no problems with it..

DayZ temporarily artifacts glitch fix! []
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
So today i was playing on a American Server and a wild hacker appeared and isnta killed everyone, what a douche..
S2 licensed
I wasnt sure if 96061 was any good so I left it at 95885 but now i see alot of servers are jumping onto 96061 and ive decided to do it aswell.. Thx for the info btw.
S2 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :The shifter is on the wrong side.

He lives in England so traffic is the opposite way as you think..
S2 licensed
Quote from Jertje :Step 4. Mega artifact glitches there, relog to a different server to maybe fix it

@Everyone who gets the glitch:
To fix the artifacts change your HDR Quality to: Very High and put Video Memory to: Default or if it doesnt change put it to High click OK to refresh it and then bring it back down to Default again.. That works for me and Mustangman.
S2 licensed
I'm a banditt now..
S2 licensed
LOLO got shot in Cherno by some Ghillie Camper, lost my FN-FAL but meh it aint that big of a deal, i actually wanted to die so I can go at Cherno and Murder people...
S2 licensed
Well there is always these idiots who shoot on sight even if you are not close to them..