ur cpu is faster than mine so is your gpu
i use 1680x1050 setting the rest same as you (i have hi res pack to) and i get 90-200fps, i would say something is wrong yes.
sure vsync is off?? also in the driver menu, it limmits framerate to your screens fefreshrate.
no i knew you where gonna have some lame comments..
no it isnt a masterpiece.. like i said i aint spielberg i aint a sony vegas pro king editor.. so instead u making lame comments like this aint good that aint good and bad driving
try helping someone instead for once by saying u could have done this or that better but no u whine cry and whatever.
what does this say about you, you wannabe wiseass if someone knows before making a topic u are gonna have some lame comment
sorry i am not blind and i dont have other problems either.
tbh when making this topic, i was thinking should i make a line that said, mr squid dont reply here pls.. i should have done that cause i knew it would end up like this
yes i got myself vegas! and il try not to forget to shift+u in the next movie :P
and this time i wont record with 30 fps and that vitrual dub shit so i have proper game sound!
@squid get a life man all u do is bash movies, even on really good ones we aint spielberg we dont wanna win a oscar, go have comments on real movies if u like it so much but i dont think anyone gives a shit about ur comments
hater count +1 (go wonder why is that count so high)
yes im not good at editting, 1st song is not good yes i know >< id rather had no music at all but the audio got really slow at decoding the files so i had to mute it
made this out of boredom
haha yes i had that one.. u could put a expansion bord on it for DDr2 and AM2.. but the complete board is a fail.. i also remember i could have 8 screens connected tho.. but never tried
i have almost same system..
i even run the game from 1HD and record to a other HD.. but that doesnt work that well it stutters and shit.. works with other games tho
when i try to recompress the video with vdub to 60fps the sound still is slow?
no matter wat codec i use.. is that a recording error or do i need to configure something in Vdub?
maybe on the srs website..
but presets where made on diffrent systems so it wont sound as they where made by the one that uploaded it. (diffrent speakers,soundcard etc etc)
so my advice make em urself.. just listen and test :P
anyway with mp3's u have to change the EQ at almost any song cause every song is not the same.
also dont use the SRS thing if u have a decent Xfi soundcard it will distort very muchos ^^