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S3 licensed
Not with these lags and unexperienced drivers. Btw, i like driving with no TC but it wont work
S3 licensed
Quote from Matze78 :Qualy: I think the one lap solution would be very exiting! Mixed Grid etc, the reasons are all above...

Everything exept one lap will be good. Im sure we would all regret that rule and im still suggesting 15-25 min of qualy. Same with race and qualy time/distance - it would be good to equalize both depending on track.
S3 licensed
Wheel and licence from exactly 1st January 2006 :}}
Its hard to judge that, it also depends on track. If its So Town you could do like 8 measured laps- i think that that really enought. At FE Black it was 3 laps- even for me it wasnt a lot. It should depend in which direction we are going to follow; If we are going to be strick better stay at 25 maybe less minutes, same in the other way
S3 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :
1 hour also reduces the chances of mixed grids as the quickest will have more chances to be quick and that can reduce the action in the race. Much better to have the possibility that a championship favourite screws up their 2 chances of a lap and have to start near the back.

I see it that way too, maybe im better in qualy and i often started from P1, but that's always some extra adrenaline when your on that single fast lap; i always get better motivation. From my point of view it would be good to start from middle of pack from time to time if anything bad happens
S3 licensed
Quote from robybobey :
But yeah Dek, I do think extending qually to an hour will be a major improvement. As a result, drivers will actually be able to get their desired laptime, rather than being under pressure, and only being able to complete 3 or 4 laps within a 25 minute period. If people think an hour is too long, then join after 35 mins of qually!

I dont agree with an idea of 1 hour of qualy;
-For me it would be just another hour of racing
-It wont prove who can do his best in some sort of pressure of time; which is major skill in my opinion; go quick when you need too
-It is already sorted out after like 30 min i think
-25 min is ok
-" If people think an hour is too long, then join after 35 mins of qually!" - that's not an argument :P
-Maybe im not right beacause I'm just a NOOB :F
Last edited by Garfild12, .
S3 licensed
AS North was ok :P just avoid that FE GOld REv
S3 licensed
LAst word about tracks; plz DONT CHOOSE those were suspention wont stand 10 laps; that is FE GOld REv(maybe some more) where curbs are 1 m high and going into last chicane kills suspention right away; i think that was a bit of probelm last season in some other races taking the attention from driving to keeping suspention alive.
S3 licensed
Quote from tenmantaylor :

After a crash and ensuing SC period cars should be given a shorter time to shift/s recover to track and/or pits. We've spent more than 5 laps at a time behind SC on numerous occasions (including my own demise at AS North Rev which I apologise for). SC periods have often been carnage and should be shortened as much as possible as well as drivers taking alot more care (myself included).

SC driver also needs to be reasonably on the ball IE lapping on the racing line comfortably within 4/5s of WR. Going off the track and lapping too slow compounds the BF1 tyre cooling problems and causes more accidents as people try to warm their tyres (guilty as charged).

I Absolutely agree with this. SC periods always took too long, I do not look from a admin race point of view but 2-3 laps were enough, any longer made me nervous ;P
Same with SC intelf, I dont remember the round but the driver ( maybe pearcy_k2k) drove like drunk.... I dont like being so strict but it didnt look "appropriately " in least strick words You cant make a serious F1 league with that unfortunately.

Deko: plz consider whole race distances - its easy to find an average laptime and make it about 1h15 for example; probably even with SC it wont make big difference between round. We might make quick voting to check who wants what.
S3 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :
one BIG Improvement Suggestion: please change the name format to [No] [F.Surname]

Not a bad Idea- I'll be more MoE like probably
S3 licensed
As someone that kinda knows how is it to race in such races I think that races shouldnt be that long, I mean come on. 50 laps at So long Rev was 200 km. And it took 1h 10 min so it would be 2 hours of sitting on this freeking seat if it was 300 km. I dont fancy getting so much F1 like, anyway we are 2 years behind now. Im not saying that i'm afraid about my concentration or anything but after 1h of racing its about clear and ussually 1 pitstop strategy is always the best.
But races might be 1h 30min max!!!! 1h-1h30 is bearable.
As i know OWRL is like 300 km or something?? Offcourse it makes races more realistic, beacause or more pistops but we are not McLaren's and Ferrari's and ussually best ones are sorted off already.

Big omisison for me was that it was for example 38 laps at WE int and 38 at AS North - same amount of laps and 5.2 km per lap but 1:12 for WE and 1:29 for AS NOrth. You cant set a race only looking on the distance because of big time differences of whole race. I rather suggest that in uncomming season it should be aproximately setted for time spent on track 1h-1h10 thats ok. So it wont be like 1h10 min for SO Long Rev and 46 min for WE Int.
S3 licensed
Too slow anyway ;P about 160 kmh. I wouldnt complain if it was like 100 % of FXR -still enought for BF1 but thats ridiculous offcourse......
S3 licensed
Yeah, I agree with Mazar, driving from AMB wasnt safe and caused HIbex to lose many positions before and after SC.

Hibex had a great start and was on 3rd position but he entered chicane quite idly. AMB entered it clearly but it wasnt impossible to avoid HIbex, AMB was just too agressive. Probably only me and Beattie were going that fast into that chicane so he should have been more careful knowing that. Definietly his fault.
Same at the end of SC.

In both cases accident form AMB to Hibex, and Hibex didnt even say a word of complain.
S3 licensed
Everything looked pretty safe from my point of view, actually i missed all the fun beacause everything happened in the back. I just pushed the tempo and in first 4 laps i made 7 sec lead before AMB, because he was much slower behind felix; strange situation from Felix, normally he's pretty fast ;} Then i could increase lead pretty fast but as it occured AMB was 100% tanked before race, werent you m8?? tactis almost worked pretty well beacause when i pitted he was catching me ( even he was infront of me )but after he pitted it was still 7 sec lead, so if he didnt have to wait behind FElix he might catch me.

Meanwhile i had quite unpleasent crash with my teammate Evilpimp; he crashed into mr Wall and I was too close to avoid him; slipstream caught me and car had some left damage. I lost pretty much time and damage slowed me thru race. But actaulyl i forgot about it in 5 laps xD
The most important decision was; if i should rapair my car. Good that i havent; i couldn't catch up these 14-21 sec

All in all It was rather another lonely leading race like in So Town, AS north; shame for Tenman, i hoped for some nice, close battle.
S3 licensed
YYAAHoooo!!!!!! I'VE MADE THAT WR damn, nothing makes more happy than really quick succes xD but that just shows how miserable i was in qualy sry, i had to share that guys ;P some word about race tomorrow, GD night for now
S3 licensed
Hej, no word from winner-HIbex this time?? It must had felt better to win after such a long season? I dont know what happened to kart608 too, he isnt that active here; but what happened in qualy and in race that it didnt go well?
S3 licensed
God, I havent seen such a crash for a long time even on publics, that was really hilarious xD well done Hibex in both races
S3 licensed
I'm not sure of participating in that one, I must vist graveyard at approximately 2 pm my time and its 3:30 pm my time when race starts. Quite unfortunate but there are more important things than playing LFS at that time.
PS Grats Roby, its about time to get a wheel and prepare for maybe second season of oneGP but dont expect any miracles too, its Copmletely different story and you probably know it if you have a car
S3 licensed
I'm not happy with that track because actually in qualy there are just 2 breaking points so its almost full throttle all the time and in race there are 4 not full throttle parts so its rather similar to Oval for me... I just hope for some good competition
S3 licensed
;//////////// Bad news
S3 licensed
Yeah, it seems that i had beat all my best splits in last lap again Taylor is just behind me, same at AS north Rev eh?

Secont split was better in race than in qualy; i quess it will be the same at WE with first sector
Last edited by Garfild12, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :Just so you all know, the rule does not intend to specifially indicate exactly one box - there is room still for interpretation. It's based on space between stalls, etc. The penalty will be issued if there is intent to use most stalls. But a clipping of a box before the box before your stall can be considered accidental, and not result in a penalty.


WOw, I suprised that I'm suspected of racing misconduct. In reaplay its clear that i havent passed any line while driving into pits or driving out them. I went thru 1 or 2 pitstop positions but thats actually all. I can assure that i havent done that on purpose and i didnt have any advantage from that. Also pitting while SC- pits were opened as in any other race so I think thats clear situation. Correct me if I'm wrong
S3 licensed
WIsniewski sounds hilarious for me Polish is a hard language and pronouncing is ussually impossible Well done at commenting, hope your gonna do next one as well, but plz speak bit lauder especially when you have onboard camera. It doesn't seem hard to learn but being a commentator is quite a brave job i think.
S3 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :Waiting for replay to see what happend in T1 but meh losing connection is really getting on my nerves and I'll try to fix this crap again...

I suppose it was eventually filo's fault. Sorry if im wrong. He didnt left yo place when you went in T1, he probably started too late. I was suprised that green came so early so i slept at start a abit as well He closed your driving line, but before corned you were concurrently in First corner. You were nudged a bit from right but Hibex was too close too stop and spinned you raelly quickly. Same happened in back but cars spinned nad flew in the air rather game engine problem, everything bounces like hell

Btw, Hibex almost crashed me in T3 after SC when i had too cold tires, it were really centimeters before spinning me too. Again I'm the lucky one
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :By the way, Wisneiwski, you had an absolutley massively perfect restart after that SC...excellent go of it.


Wow, thanks.
I just watched Formula Masters earlier that day and noticed how these tempestous teenagers create lead after SC on MOnza, on which its espiecialy hard. They actualy made really similar crash like one which happened in race bunch of looneys
S3 licensed
Shame that not so many real F1 drivers can do what you hade done now Nice work thru all season, grats!!!!