Everything looked pretty safe from my point of view, actually i missed all the fun beacause everything happened in the back. I just pushed the tempo and in first 4 laps i made 7 sec lead before AMB, because he was much slower behind felix; strange situation from Felix, normally he's pretty fast ;} Then i could increase lead pretty fast but as it occured AMB was 100% tanked before race, werent you m8?? tactis almost worked pretty well beacause when i pitted he was catching me ( even he was infront of me
)but after he pitted it was still 7 sec lead, so if he didnt have to wait behind FElix he might catch me.
Meanwhile i had quite unpleasent crash with my teammate Evilpimp; he crashed into mr Wall and I was too close to avoid him; slipstream caught me and car had some left damage. I lost pretty much time and damage slowed me thru race. But actaulyl i forgot about it in 5 laps xD
The most important decision was; if i should rapair my car. Good that i havent; i couldn't catch up these 14-21 sec
All in all It was rather another lonely leading race like in So Town, AS north; shame for Tenman, i hoped for some nice, close battle.