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S3 licensed
Why wouldn't Massa be able to get 5 points back?
S3 licensed
Amazing quali this.
S3 licensed
Your score: 4

Nae bad, after almost the whole day of looking at a screen. My eyes hurt now though
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
This has been discussed lots before, and I believe there were some interesting ideas regarding stages... Something about monthly rotating stages, community developped and dev-approved and whatnot, do a search
S3 licensed
Not in mine there weren't
S3 licensed
Some people don't like some drivers winning by cutting the track... Get back those gravel traps!
S3 licensed
Massa won, not "Lewis".
S3 licensed
Yes but neither Alonso or Klien are Ferrari!!!!11!
S3 licensed
That's what I'm saying. It doesn't matter how he got past, he just shouldn't have. He did not give the place back properly.

Anyway, it's not like I care that much, Ferrari and McLaren can both be DQed for me
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :He didnt draft him at all into T1

Then he didn't slow down enough, since he still made the pass the next turn, which was my point. Why pick up on a small meaningless detail?
S3 licensed
When you give a spot back you can't just get back in the draft and overtake in the next corner That's not giving the place back...
S3 licensed
If he had been smart and given back the place properly he'd have won. Still the lack of experience?

Also, ban tarmac run-off areas completely, please. That's probably the worst part of the current F1 tracks... :/
S3 licensed
I'll probably be in Holland in August, so could maybe make it if it was then...
S3 licensed
Anyone have a stream for quali?
S3 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :It's a deal then

What's the story with under 18's? Are we allowed go, and/or stay at the camp site?

E: I'm lost as to how I'd get there. Neither Ryanair nor Aer Lingus fly from Shannon/Cork to Cardiff. Ryanair does fly to East Midlands, that's about as close as they'll go. Aer Lingus will fly from Dublin to Cardiff, but it's a 3 hour journey form Shannon (where I am) to Dublin, which I can't do, due to not having a car...And I'm too poor to spend €400 on a taxi to Dublin, or the same from East Midlands to Cardiff. Anybody know of any English operators going Shannon to Cardiff and vice-versa? I've not had to organise flights before (always been the domain of the parents) so I'm a bit confused atm

You could try Bristol (and then swim over to Cardiff).
S3 licensed
I don't think there will be much room for non-SRs
S3 licensed
I will do my best to be there, but don't take that too seriously

Also if I do come, I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to have me as teammate
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Why are you labeling me as sexist? If anything I was mocking people who are sexist.

Read that post again. It says "sexiest".

This thread is funny.
S3 licensed
Congrats on the merger/revival of Fusion guys
S3 licensed
Where's R6?
S3 licensed
Lower the LOD and graphics detail settings?
S3 licensed
Jason, I do hope the track is better than the website

And what is the bigger track near the kart track? I know someone already told me that once but I forgot...
S3 licensed
define: annual

Quote :Something that has an yearly cycle, as some plants and serially published books; happening once every year

S3 licensed
Congrats to both!