Just a tip: It's common courtesy to give credit to the previous skinmaker if you decide to rip parts of their skin...
If you have trouble finding all the logos there are plenty of people on these forums that can help you with websites, etc.
Hmm, not sure about this skin. I saw it and laughed; what an ugly skin. Although after spinning it around a few times I think it looks OK: http://www.myearthdream.com/#root/rotation
It'll look more like a light blue/black combo at high speed.
Skinning it would be a nightmare, and as I said on another part of the forum, I don't really have time to skin this season's cars. So good luck to whoever is brave enought to give it a shot.
To whoever said it uses Google Earth for the image, my Google Earth looks nothing like that of the car.
Its quite funny how this thread turned into a debate over global warming/CO2 emissions, etc
I guess thats the intention of the Honda.
The issue of naming on LFSworld is a bit of a problem for me now. I like to keep the previous packs I've uploaded on my own LFSworld space. The problem being I now have no more slots left.
Its quite important I use my own space, cos the amount of updates I've done in the past means its the only way I can make sure peope see the most recent update.
So, in making this latest Ferrari, I've kinda decided to name it the same as last years. That way every1 online will see the new skin straight away. Anyone wishing to continue using last years will have to rename/upload it themselves.
Annoying, but unless I had 100s of slots theres no ideal solution.
New '07 Ferrari. I'm sure I'll be updating it when they finalise the sponsors.
I've not used much compression because it makes the red go all funny, so the filesize is a little larger than most.
p.s It's very doubtful I'll be making all 07 skins this year. We'll see.
The skin is already on LFSworld as BF1_aguri.
There's really no need to resize it yourself and re-upload it. Use the 2048 skin yourself and every1 else will see it fine.
Hehe nice to see different interpretations of the same car Mine is based on the race version rather than the studio photoshoot, a few of the logos changed position.
No idea what the chinese writing says. I assume it will be gone/replaced for the next GP.
Anyway here's the 555 Honda.
Whoever wants to use it first will have to upload it to LFSworld.
The Spyker has arrived.
This one has taken a lot longer than I thought. I've added lots of extra details that probably aren't needed, and I also had to make most of the logos from scratch.
Hours and hours wasted on this
I like the idea too.
I don't think the main focus would be to become a big collection of logos that peeps could come and search through; but instead be somewhere just to come to request a hard to make logo to be made.
It would be pointless posting aload of logos that you've made, when nobody else needs them. So a request-only thread could be good. Not sure how much it would be used tho
Here's Renault's 4th non-tobacco livery of the season, as seen at tomorrow's French GP. Shark theme this time round.
If any1 was wondering, I have no plans to make their 3rd, the floral design seen at Canada was a little too intricate for me.
As before I can't upload this to LFSworld cos I've got no slots left.
I do it the way pdanev suggested.
First resize the image larger, and trace over it with pen tool. This creates a nice vector version of the logo which can then be manipulated/resized without any loss of quality. It just takes a little practise with the pen tool to be able to trace any kind of shape.
Another tip is to have a huge collection of fonts so you can always find a similar one, then edit it if needs be.
Its time to get patriotic!
I couldn't find an England skin I liked, so I've made one myself
Not spent too much time on it. I've based it heavily on the England footy shirt so its meant to be asymmetrical. (The St George Cross is only on the side pictured)