My actual video card drops to 8-10 fps, with full grid and the start line...when i driving alone, and with the view of the driver and visible tyres, rise until 40 fps...
I got it, but at the end of the day I never gonna be happy with a wrong choice...i dont find reasonable spend US$ 150 in a video card, i'll prefer save that money and buy a better pc
yeah, i'm be able to pay until 36 pounds, after this.... I don't want to pay other 12 pounds!!! weelllll, maybe if the game have dinamics tyre wear, umpredictable change wheater, some people on the track (silverstone 2004?!?), real life pit communication, real damage model, etcccc
Just calm dowm, easy on the gas pedal and try to follow the racing line with wide exits of the track. Yes, can be sound easy but is not really true this!! Anyway from S1 to S2 I found to drive the cars a little bit more easy, not the massive understeer of the S1 versions.
I need your help!!! I’ve a nvidia agp 32 mB and I want to buy a new video card, my fps are pretty low with 12 cars... some of them are, #1 ATI RADEON 9250 128MB AGP TV OUT #2 ATI RADEON 9250 256MB AGP TV OUT #3 ATI RADEON X300SE 128MB PCI EXPRESS #4 VIDEO GEFORCE FX5200 256MB AGP TV OUT #5 GEFORCE MX4000 128MB AGP TV OUT Many thanks!