this is odd, quite clever for the guy hacking him, but feel bad for NJ....Hmmmm intersting how cruel people are now a days! Hack a computer and delete stuff...Wow what is the world coming to??
Ok, so i didnt really like what he made me, and I made a makeshift what i want it to look like... If someone could do this for me id love that! Thank you!
The bird across the front fender to the door and wyotech as a sponsor on the rear quater panel! Still carbon hood with black car, Much apperciated thank you!
Ok, Id love a all black XRT with a 240sx type front end! With a carbon hood! Then wyo-tech logo's, one big one that covers the side then a few of there partners!
What kind of team are you looking for? Race Age: 18 Country: USA Preferred Car/Track: FOX, no favorite track Average Laptime on Car/Track: Not sure How Active Are You? Havnt been lately, due to bootcamp. But I will be active a lot more now! What Kind of Control do you use? G25 Time Zone: GMT-5