Well, driving home last sunday(12th) I hit a deer. This is the outcome. Hit my head really hard on the steering wheel, quite a large bump on my head, and had a concision that day, but all better now!
Because neither of us can have both feet touch touch the ground it is a bit high. My dad took the motorcycle endorsement course, and the instructor said you should be able to have both feet on the ground. makes sense to me, although this is our first bike and to be honest I would think that is a bit of a safety thing.
What kind of team are you looking for? Race Age: 19 Country: USA Preferred Car/Track: Fox, Fxo Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: 1.5- 2 Secs off W.R. How Active Are You? Everyday What Kind of Control do you use? G25 Time Zone: GMT -5