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S2 licensed
One interesting post .... SC car do you change your tyres and do you refuel?
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Doesn't beat the mighty 2010 Kyoto 250... 17 SCs IIRC

Nah, they pulled out in last minute.

And can u tell me what was the avarage lap time at Kyoto 250 ? Just to calculate it. I mean SC/1h.
S2 licensed
Quote from luki97 :that was best gtal race ever!

Did you drove it !? I can't remember ..
S2 licensed
Who was the SC driver (username) just to check him Today's stats: Travelled distance
S2 licensed
Quote from Kova. :It's safety car party ?

Yee 15 sc cars , they are in the history in LFS


I bet, no more than 5 minutes..........

Sometimes it is better to remain silent, thank you for the show and have a nice night.
Last edited by Grigorov, .
S2 licensed
no no no no !!!!!!!!!!!!! please m8s delete all of my posts in New dimension racing !!I don't want any trace of my team in this parody

I lovy lovy loveee this league .... this is better than "3 and half mens" .. LOL
Last edited by Grigorov, .
S2 licensed
Quote from CSF :Yeah 28.2 I think. Forgot to go on about that again.

U beat me ..... ur calculator maybe have more functions

SC car have to take the 1st place ... have more laps than others.
S2 licensed
When left time is 0.55.00 have to deploy safety car. On my calculations ,avarage time between SC is around 23 minutes
S2 licensed
Safety Car Amateur League .... SCAL looks better than GTAL

7 Times for 2 hours :X

23 min without safety car this moment
Last edited by Grigorov, .
S2 licensed
Quote from broken :Sure thing. Just to prove how some of the bulgarians really do take things as life depends on them.

(I was never serious about all bulgarians being idiots, in case somebody else hasn't got the sarcasm, but anyway, feel free to flame.)

1st, let's make like a dictionary, because of the younger ones in the forum.
F will obviously be the F word(first place, for most usability in the following replies)
P for the female P word (hint: Pcat)
S would be another famous word, you probably can think of.

"Can I F your Fing P, you piece of junk. What do you think you are !? , circumcised ? a gipsy ? .. you think that you're not a bulgarian . I will F you , you pieces of junk. Spamers, crash gamers and cruise drivers." .. Then he demands to never see me again, and some tsts-ing follows.

"What are you GAMER, are you from the minorities, you zany.
We've had enough of such fictitious idiots like you GIANTS infront of the PC and mouses in life.Go and hide in your hole and shut your mouth and live in your imaginary life, you cheesy squirt.Wash your (my bulgarian dialect culture does not include that word, but i'd guess in the current case it's something like dirt) from your eyes and don't open your Ster on topic BULGARIANS and BULGARIA, you gipsy!!!

"Hey Bulgarian are you a Turk or a gipsy?? What are those bullS which you're writing?? How could you insult the entire Bulgarian nation ? That's the kind of people that should be chased away from Bulgaria!"

I actually tried to recreate all the inaccuracies in their sentences in english too, so you could wonder, just as I did, what the hell were they trying to say. So, yes all the inaccuracies were not unintentional.

It was pretty entertaining reading and translating that, I have to say.

I have to say , stay behind your monitor will be safe for u ... and continue to be made a victim
S2 licensed
Quote from BOSCHO :Ей "Българин" да не си Турчин или циганин?? Какви са тия глупости където пишеш?? Как може да обиждаш цялата Българска нация ? Е такива като теб трябва да се гонят от България!

Finaly .... don't mess with Bulgarians

edit: pls lock this thread
S2 licensed
Quote from broken :stupid bulgarians. :worried:

Ам мога ли да ти еба путката майна бе боклук с боклук. Ти къф си ве !? , рязан ли си циганин ли си .. не си българин ли . Ае ша ви еба и боклуците. Спамери и краш геймари и круиз карачи. Да не те виждам тцтцтц.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hahmo :I guess it was a nice piece of action,
Even though after 20 laps or so practice going in and trying to stay on first, what can you do. Staying fifth for some time and then spinning as the set got very understeery at some point. Okay, SC comes out and I get to fourth after restart, last 20mins were battling with 90~ degree tires on R3s, so.. Done what i can. Good driving from Joni though, got us the 2nd position..

Imo 56 and 58 showed some nice respect on blue flags and very decent driving from 55. These should be in the league IMO.

Thx for these words mate , I hope also to be in this League cause will be first for us and it will be good begining for our new team.
Last edited by Grigorov, .
Logitech G28!
S2 licensed
How to make your wheel from 900 degrees of rotation to unlimited degrees.
If somebody know this user post it here . ... p;feature=player_embedded
S2 licensed

with maa car !!!
S2 licensed
Quote from z-ro 8 :thx, ya beat me to it.

and it only shows kick in the replay because the ban was issued using the Insim. Insim messages are not displayed in replays.

So that not a proof . Isn't it?

It was unfair reaction about Smiley. He got ban for swearing ,the other one user got kick for same thing.
I think everything is personal between you and Smiley.
Fix it or other one will.

I forget: 30 days ban for swearing hmm interesting , isn't personal!?
S2 licensed
Quote from garph :Popular server + people getting banned = millions of threads here with massive arguments that never end.

You got banned from a server, take up in the correct place.

OMG - You hit the barriers which put you into traffic (they couldn't avoid you), then the collision detect bug fired you into the air. No one wrecked you, no one should be banned it was just an accident. Then called for an admin to ban someone for nothing. The car's that hit you were the innocent party, there was no way they could avoid you, if you hadn't hit the barriers yourself no of that would have happend.

You got the ban for swearing.

What should have been you pitting and re-joining has now turned into a ban, well done.

There no have ban for swearing. If you want check this Picture.

Where is the ban i see only "kick"!?

Come on admins explain this situation if you can!
S2 licensed
Quote from garph :God damn, go to the server forum, ALWAYS! It's their issue, don't bring this bullshit here.

Peoples like bullshits
S2 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :My comment, smiley is an abusive idiot who can't race...

You asked... you got

We talk here about the bad behavior on .....what you do with these words now!? shut up!

AAaand hey Mr.Admin how much players in the server after Smiley's ban talk shits like (idiot ,noob,retard etc.) Why i didn't see more bans!?

Answer me Mr.Perfect Behavior!
S2 licensed
Yes I was there and he is right. It was incorrect ban!

Most of other admins told ya to unban him , i think this action was precipitate. He play in this server from 1 month without problems , and you now make problem from nothing.

Aaaaand why 30 days!?
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnPenn :The good admins are the ones you never see or hear until your messing about and doing something other than racing in there server.

The good Admins practise what they preach.

They don't have God complexes ,they know how much pleasure and fun racing can be when everyone is there to do it, and its there reason for wanting this frustrating job.

Where's the replay?.

I told ya i don't have replay
S2 licensed
Quote from Ger Roady :Next time you race , press the "-" key and don't touch it again.

Good idea I'll do it if i am in FOX JU..... server.
S2 licensed
Quote from z-ro 8 :The issue is your approach.

Admins are not required to babysit their servers. If there are admins spectating to monitor a server, consider it a blessing, not a right.

If you have an issue with someone on track, all you have to do is politely get an admins attention and ask them to review the situtation.

Racing on a server provided by the very team you are a member of does not mean you are employed to kick/ban people for their behavior.

Simply put, if you give an attitude, you're going to get an attitude back.

Yes you are absolutely right, but i get very different attitude back ,be sure about that.
S2 licensed
Quote from wild :Okay I'll look into it further, if you could please provide the replay? Since you've already got the screenshot I'll presume you have the replay.

I shoot the screen with PrintScreen button seconds befor the ban.
And i haven't got time to save the replay.....

Did you see enywhere on the screenshot chatboard voting for my ban!?

Or the ban was from an admin!?

What do you think!?
S2 licensed
Quote from wild :Of course we care about our administration. We usually have someone around who is not racing that can administrate, but not always. We also do a bit whilst we are racing, e.g. kicking the noobs standing on track etc..

This is also one of the reasons we have the kick-vote system in place, so that if an admin is not around or racing you can start a kick-vote.

Kick/Ban system is the wrongest thing in your server.Everyone noob can click on it without prooved reason and mass of noobs witch haven't seen the happening. (as they do!)
Last edited by Grigorov, .