Ам мога ли да ти еба путката майна бе боклук с боклук. Ти къф си ве !? , рязан ли си циганин ли си .. не си българин ли . Ае ша ви еба и боклуците. Спамери и краш геймари и круиз карачи. Да не те виждам тцтцтц.
It was unfair reaction about Smiley. He got ban for swearing ,the other one user got kick for same thing.
I think everything is personal between you and Smiley.
Fix it or other one will.
I forget: 30 days ban for swearing hmm interesting , isn't personal!?
Yes I was there and he is right. It was incorrect ban!
Most of other admins told ya to unban him , i think this action was precipitate. He play in this server from 1 month without problems , and you now make problem from nothing.
Kick/Ban system is the wrongest thing in your server.Everyone noob can click on it without prooved reason and mass of noobs witch haven't seen the happening. (as they do!)