There was a long time i didn't post here My job's position changes and i have less time for LFS and 3D
I see that there is more and more great renders now. That's a good point.
Activate the CSG server and choose the color you want for the ground.
Depending of the angle view you'll choose a part of the hdri pic will appear on the upper part on the render (see pic attached)
Simply load in photoshop and clean it.
The process is the same as a "simple" hdri light, except you must assign a "mate/shadow" material to the ground.
The complex thing is to find the rigth camera angle.
Maybe too shiny yes... that was like that i appreciated it when i make the render.
Tyres are too shiny, it's sure....the material is not well set up... i'll fix it
3 renders i made for "themask" (this skin maker)
the last one has been done fast... it's too shiny compared to the background...