People don't use clutch and they keep talking about my ideea as beeing a **BAD** one. Do you have any ideea what I have to do to get from the first to the last gear ? No. YOU JUST PUSH A BUTTON! Whenever you want to accelerate, you just push a pedal or a button! You ALWAYS have engine break. Yeah, peace of cake, ain't it ? Well, for me, it's not.
Do you have any ideea what "matching revs" is ? Well, let me give you a picture. Let's say I am playing on FZT (over 400 HP and RWD) and I need to take a sharp turn in seccond gear. If I don't match the revolutions and I mistake by only 2000 RPM, I TURN AROUND! And a very happy player with auto-clutch just takes my position and sais "

", probably thinking I am such a big idiot ... OK, let's say I take the turn perfectly (which is pretty hard when using Heel&Toe ... and that is the only way someone can match a auto-clutch player), but I can still mistake a gear when I am on the straight line, and still the auto-clutch player gets me ...
Sometimes you just want to be able to kick them out! Sometimes you want to play with guys who drive it realistic too! I don't say all the servers MUST have this option, I say that some servers SHOULD!