The H2O has officially launched the 'H2O Kit 2013' which is a file package that, when installed in Live for Speed, promotes changes in the visual appearance of several cars cars.
Installation is very simple and can be done by any user who has installed the Live for Speed. The kit works for versions Demo, S1 and S2 Live for Speed 0.6E.
A H2O acaba de lançar oficialmente o 'Kit H2O 2013' que consiste num pacote de arquivos que, quando instalados no Live for Speed, promove mudanças no aspecto visual de vários carros.
A instalação é muito simples e pode ser feita por qualquer usuário que já tenha o Live for Speed instalado. O kit funciona para as versões Demo, S1 e S2 do Live for Speed 0.6E.
Team Name / Nome da Equipe: H2O MotorSports Brasil Server (Y/N):Não If yes server name: N/A Type / Tipo: Racing Team info: Website:
Estamos sempre à procura de pilotos brasileiros com licença S2 que tenham disponibilidade de participar dos campeonatos da GridLFS, LFSBR, Virtual Torque e eventos independentes entre as equipes e pilotos brasileiros.
Caso você tenha licença S2 e queira participar de campeonatos organizados no LFS, me mande uma MP ou nos procure através de nosso site.
I emphasize, however, that claims which had been kept in the archives, but some files did not have credits. Moreover, the main work was not only to insert logos. Quite the contrary. All flashlights and lanterns were present in the kit made by me, including the FXO and FXR, and the wheels of the XRT and XRR, headlamps, flashlights and grill XFG / XFR, among others. All headlights and taillights were present in the kit made by me.
Take this opportunity to inform those who have ownership of any file and Kit want to be named, please look for me that I will be happy to add credit to our site and even in the archives. And if someone does not want his work to be entered into our kit, you can also manifest retreat and review the files in the distribution kit.
Sorry for my English - I do not speak English and used the Google Translator.
Thanks for all the comments, it helps us to improve!
The H2O Kit is a package of files for Live for Speed that changes the appearance of cars, especially the touring cars.
Changes in the vast majority are concentrated in the headlights, grilles, tail lights, dashboard, console, steering wheel and seats. There are also special modifications to the wheels of the XRT and XRR and new brands of tires. Moreover, the signs and billboards of the tracks have also been changed and even the menu screens of Live for Speed.
Visit the official H2O Kit and see photos of some modifications promidas. Download and Enjoy!
Updated: H2O released the 2014 version View photos and download the kit this link:
O Kit H2O é um pacote de arquivos que para Live for Speed que promove mudanças na aparência dos carros, em especial os carros de turismo.
As mudanças, na grande maioria, estão concentradas nos faróis, grades, lanternas traseiras, painel, console, volante e bancos. Há também modificações especiais como as rodas do XRT e XRR e novas marcas de pneus. Além disso, as placas e outdoors das pistas também foram modificadas e ainda as telas de menu do Live for Speed.
Acesse a página oficial do Kit H2O e veja as fotos de algumas modificações promidas. Baixe agora e aproveite!
Atualizado: A H2O lançou a versão 2014 do Kit H2O. Veja as fotos e baixe o kit neste link: