Well, yesterday I had a flash of inspiration and motivation to start a skin of LFS, a thing that I never did with a good program (when the XRT was available on Demo, I used to do some bad liveries on Photofiltre, and did like, only three or four, then I quitted skinning), and yesterday, when I got bored from failure on FBM, thought of doing skins again; but now on GIMP.
I wanted a new skin for me anyway, since I have started playing BATracer (some of you here know it, I guess, already seen known faces there, like Yuri Laszlo and Christian Zorner here) I started to do liveries for it. Is waaaay easier do a great livery on a 500x200 2D image, rather than a complex and compressed 2048² 3D image, so I never tried the skins after started doing liveries for BATracer. So then, I asked Kruithoff if he could do a private skin for me, and he did a great one (I still owe you one, dude!), but I had to try atleast once.
So, did a simply paintjob, and tried to avoid the connected parts, because I don't have the patience that you guys do (LOL³³³) and I'm still working on the logotypes and stuff...
If you guys wanna criticize it, and do some suggestions, I would love to hear...
Last edited by HalleMarques, .
Reason : Had to delete the attachment...
Agreed, that skin was awesome. The problem is, that sometimes people get outta reality about the design. Look at real Formula BMW cars, they are not designed like F1s, with fixed themes, lots of big-fish sponsors and these stuff, they are simply cars with a few sponsors, and a simply design. Basically is what I wanted on my private, that is off-topic right now, but damn, that livery was great!
IMHO, and a n00b one, I guess that Danica is not the kind of driver that win races. And Formula One do not need this kind of drivers, for god sake. Jaime Alguersuari was enough to my eyes!
But we have to agree, she is a good seller. Because when you Peak, you win.
Would be great, the problem is the transportation. Bathurst, Motegi, Eurospeedway Oval, all of these would be great tracks, but 43 (or 43+) cars to send there would take time and lots of money. =/
Stay in the mid point between totalitarism and NASCAR (no penalties for intentional bumps) is the enough. Now, a mistake made in pits is taken as a ban? OMG...
But, anyway, dunno Alonso's side, but Piquet wouldn't score in Valencia anyways...
His doctor (and the responsible of the medical part of Brazilian GP) said to brazilian TV that sometimes he wakes up from his sleep and exams are made on him. There is no risk of death, according him.
What a pity for Badoer, will never race for Ferrari... XD
Like the Brazilians. In mid-90's we just had Barrichello (on F1, of course) and we had to had some faith on him. The problem is the brazilian media is very mean sometimes, and bad, for losers. Today Barrichello in Brazil, is infortunately, a joke.
I'm a NASCAR fan, by the way you might have realised that I'm kinda a newbie on motorsport, I guess you have to agree with me that a ALMS would fit better than Sprint Cup. That's atleast racional.
Wasn't a maleable spring like you see on cartoons. They don't even exist that way, or atleast in Industrial Mechanics I haven't seen springs that loose.
I saw the video that shows the spring pulling out of Barrica's car just once, and don't remember if there was any car in that part that could carry with contact or wind the spring to make it fly again. And remember, the spring pulled out in the start of that "uphill" (edit: I GUESS!), and Massa got hit in the middle of it.
Well, I can only remember once when I saw Michael Schumacher doing a "Punta-taco" (dunno if it applies, because the clutch was on Steering Wheel) and that only a part of the brakes was pressed, I'm almost sure.
And NotAnIllusion, infortunately the race narrator in Brazil is such a d... He only says bull...
Jack, I noticed that too, but I'm not sure that he pressed the brakes. I guess is something like a electronic control, or with the impact, the brain (lol) ordered him to press brake, w/e, just Massa and/or Ferrari know that right now.
The strange about the brakes is that it comes to 0% to 100% instantly, that makes me think that it was not pressed by driver, and the throttle wasn't pressed fully too like brake was.
According to the brazilian TV, that is covering what's going with Massa, Luca Badoer will race in his place. Like Intrepid said, he's on a surgery now to remove a part of a bone from his eye and work on the concussion.
I'm not a Massa fan, but good luck for him, get better fast. ^^