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S2 licensed
Quote from csimpok :Welcome in S2
But what about trying other cars than always that damn GTI? I have cold shiver when i see that car in the list and wont join.

Most of NOS members don't drive XFG in these days. And as for me, i'm with the funniest and the safest car of LFS: UF1000 It is better for my health
S2 licensed
This was an old topic. But yes, demo server closed again. This is because all of our members are in S2 now. So i thought it would be better to have a S2 server instead of demo. It will be nice to see all of our friends in our S2 server too.
S2 licensed
Quote from ORION :But there are, of course, also many nice demo teams, especially NOS is afaik racing mostly in the GTI on Blackwood, and they are not the slowest

This really broke my heart ORION. I am telling this for the last time: we are not a demo team. We'll close our demo server next week. We have two s2 servers. All NOS members are s2 licensed. We don't have BL1 XFG wr but we have many world records on "licensed" tracks. Just because we were loving that combo, people thought that we were a demo team. Most of our members didn't touch that combo for a long time.
S2 licensed
I opened a thread about the hybrid tyres two weeks ago. We discussed it there:
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :Oooh! Very nice! Looks like ****'s work to me!

You forgot a star *****'s work

Just a joke, thank you also to big al, we met him thank to you.
Last edited by HASTA, .
NOS Racing Team XFG Skin
S2 licensed
First team skin is out. It's a very professional XFG skin created by one of our dear friends. He didn't want to be known. Thank you very much for this excellent skin.

Thanks also to [MOMO]clauddiu for his render.

The skin is downloadable at

This is not a public skin. It is created for only NOS Racing Team members. Please put it in "skins_x" folder.
Last edited by HASTA, .
S2 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :gotta join that server from time to time, im bored of searching a demo server on that u can have a "good" race (talking about fair play, not the times )

We couldn't find any XFG excitement in S2. Unfortunately we opened our demo server back two days ago. After buying S2, most of the people forget this excellent car.

Our 23 people server is also open.
S2 licensed
Happy birthday to Ocrana family. I wish you guys all the best.

May the wheel force be with you
S2 licensed
Unfortunately multi-team challenge has been postponed. It's very hard to combine 4 people from each of these 5 active teams, because everybody are in other tournaments at the moment.
S2 licensed
So mercury and cyber are out??? If they are, answer here quickly, we'll search another one or two big teams for this competition. 3 or 4 teams is a possibility too. Five racers from each team. My Multi-Team Challenge idea must survive

Manual clutch is allowed in this competition. I don't use it, many people don't use it. You can use it if you want to. Cheating with manual clutch??? These people??? I don't think they will.
Last edited by HASTA, .
NOS vs SCCC vs 400 vs (\/) vs Cyb
S2 licensed
Multi-Team Challenge

I am in this game for two years, i saw many big challenges of many big teams. But never saw a multi-team challenge with 5 established big teams (4 racers each) on it. I want to thank to all my friends from other teams to participate this legendary event. As my friend Chensta says, this will be a challenge between three established stars (SCCC, 400, (\/)) and new comer stars (NOS, Cyb) of Live for Speed.

Track: Aston National
Car: XFG
Date: 16 November 2005, 22.00 GMT
Server: NOS Racing Team #1
Participants: (In order of participation time)


Each team will participate with 4 racers.

The details will be on our forum:
Mouse and keyboard world record lists
S2 licensed
I posted the same message in another thread, needs to be in his own thread:

In the first days of S2's new lfsworld there was a difference between the controllers at the world records list page. After some days this difference dissapeared. Why did this difference dissapeared? It was a good challenge between mousers and keyboarders. Now we have to open 744 charts to see the records.
S2 licensed
Unfortunately we don't accept demo racers anymore. We closed our demo server because of some "smart" people who were using our nicknames.

We are on our S2 Full servers. One of these servers is 23 people BL1 XFG.
Last edited by HASTA, .
S2 licensed
Quote from avih :grrr.... next time pls don't put spoilers in a thread title...

Ooopppsss, sorry. Too late. I'll be careful after that.

But don't let my mistake outshines this magnificient race.
Last edited by HASTA, .
Rossi has beaten in Istanbul
S2 licensed
Rossi lost a couple of races this year but he never lost like this. First Istanbul MotoGP was a nightmare for him. He couldn't do any attack after taking 2nd place. He was so desperate in whole race, and so sad after the race. He just waited a mistake from Melandri but Melandri had a magnificient concentration and he made all that he need to win against Rossi. All Turkish spectators were waiting Rossi's victory including me. We were thinking that it was a Rossi game again: starting from behind, catch the leader, play with him a couple of laps, passing him, letting him pass, passing him again... But no, this time he couldn't.

For those who missed 125cc race, you missed a big race. First six racers were always in a lane. Never saw that much competition in a motorcycle race from the beginning to the end.
Last edited by HASTA, .
S2 licensed
In the first days of S2's new lfsworld there was a difference between the controllers at the world records list page. After some days this difference dissapeared. Why did this difference dissapeared? It was a good challenge between mousers and keyboarders. Now we have to open 744 charts to see the records.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :how long have people known about this hybrid tire XFG bug? is that why its so hard for me to get in 1:32's but everyone else can? lol

I am on hybrid tyres for more than 1 month i think
S2 licensed
Quote from Vykos69 :That's actually not unrealistic, cause the typical RallyeCross tire has more grip than an Formula1 tire. BUT it would not last for more than one lap on BL. So the tirewear needs to be a lot increased there, and they would heat up like hell on the road, cause on gravel they cool down enough, so you can race a bit longer on Rallyecross.

Yeah it is impossible to race more than 5 laps with hybrid tyres in back. If it is also hybrid in front, 2 laps maximum.

The actual situation is that hybrid tyres in front is the best choice for 5 lap races and four hybrid tyres is the best choice for one or two lap hotlapping.
Last edited by HASTA, .
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :If you're getting confused by signatures, a) why don't you turn them off and b) why are you using one yourself?

I don't want to turn them off. I just asked that are there any other people having the same problem.
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :So it should look like this? (instead of one space)

But without an invisible dot
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :they usually have at least one space in between and a black line.

If you choose this black line, you will see that there will be no space before this line. This space belongs to black line's lane. One space+one black line will be better I am a detail addict :Eyecrazy:
Signature confusion in lfsforum
S2 licensed
It is not a bug, maybe a suggestion for lfsforum. Signatures starts to show up just after the last lane of a message. It creates a confusion between the message and the signature. Are there any other people thinking about the same problem, or just me
XFG's hybrid tyres on road, realistic?
S2 licensed
"Rallycross tyres on road track", realistic?

Started with hybrids in back tyres and now they are in front too. Newest BL1 XFG world records are with hybrid tyres. It is now impossible to race without hybrid tyres in back, it is also impossible to make a very good hotlap time without four hybrid tyres.
Last edited by HASTA, .
S2 licensed
It is about some child. This thread has nothing to do with skins section anymore. I will open a new thread in general discussion. Anyone who has a problem with BL1 XFG addicts can cry there. This little child cried enough with private messages and in this thread. This thread don't assort his section.
S2 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :That is it... really... I am just so jealous, what am I to do to cure this insuferable jealousy?!

An admin must delete this thread or i will speak very ugly with this noobish child. He said "noob" to me First time in my life i use "lol".
Last edited by HASTA, .