There might be alot of traffic tho. By the time u click "connect" there are over 9000 other people who want to connect and eventually the server becomes full.
Im actually impressed and it exceeded my expecations. Graphics are top notch, looks very clean. At first i maxed everything out, but it didnt want to run smooth (~30fps). Then i moved the graphics down to "Gamer" settings and after that i was able to play at smooth 60fps. I didnt notice much when changing to lower setting so that is well done in my opinion. The textures look a bit low res at close range but its a no big deal for me. Bloom was gone too (I gotta say that there's too much bloom when on highest setting).
Controls feel good imo, the center button (Suit menu?) needs some finish. Sometimes it took me a while to get the setting i needed (Invisibility, Armor etc).
Sound is good, very ambientic and realistic. Nice reverbs, but indoors the reverb is almost non existant. Gun sounds are awesome too, a big improvement over Crysis 1.
I also noticed a bug. When dude killed me, i saw him exactly infront of me. But when i died and saw the killkam - there was actually a fallen tree between us and the guy was shooting and hiding behind it.
Great game tbh.
Edit: Not to forget the gameplay, its alot of fun. Sneaking and all that. I didnt notice much campers either. There are not much camping spots tho.
Edit2: The game being a port, it performs exactly as Crysis 1 did on my PC tbh.
English isnt my first language, but i seriously hate when people write it as "there". Its just pathetic. Every american i know, writes it like that - but now for the first time i see a British doing that.
Ive been using tinypic too, but lately they put in the captcha so that slows down the process bigtime. I made myself an account yesterday on flickr, looks pretty good so far.