That reminds me of when I flew to Thailand. The plane crew said we were going through turbulence or something and told me to put my head between my legs to be safe. I said: "If I could do so I wouldn't be on my way to Thailand!"
It depends on where you go in those countries. This is quite a short trip. You could see more of those countries if you're willing to travel further. I went on holiday to Italy this year. It was a twelve hour drive (1150km or something) and we were only in the northernmost part of Italy.
edit: I forgot to add a list of the countries I've visited:
The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain and Portugal.
True dat. I often drive 'long' distances on the motorway. I just set my cruise control to 125km/h, verified by GPS, and off I go! Whenever I need to slow down or accelerate I'll do so.