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S2 licensed
Great stuff - I must get a projector and convert one of my rooms into "the LFS room" =)
Imphys Perspective
S2 licensed
I suppose I might as well post this video as well for those of you in the mood to waste 3 minutes of your time

I had some fun racing moments in an older TR (thursday race / that I documented in this little video Caught some air in the end of this one.

Download here (100mb):

[NRG] Imphy
GTR Racing League S2 - Feat. [NRG] Imphy
S2 licensed
Just participated in the final round of CD GTR Racing League season 2, division 2 and had some fun moments so I thought I'd share the video here as well. Nothing too special but I was happy with the finish :P

Download it here (50mb): ... _R7_NRG_Imphy_MedQual.avi


[NRG] Imphy
S2 licensed
Nice setup! I am about to sort out my LFS setup. Is that a projector or plasma and if it is a projector, are you rearprojecting or something?
S2 licensed
I'd like to participate in an FZR
S2 licensed
Great video Kraniwani

Things I like:
> Great racing action!
> Nice and short
> Good angles
> Good editing
> Nice music sync (and suitable music for the video)
> Good with engine sounds (despite LFS sounds being crap it is still better than silent cars imho)
> BW effect, I presume you replaced textures with black and white textures for the shot pit shot with the red car, that takes time too =) I made all my textures green (green screening) to mask out my cars in the TR video below.

The only thing I would change:
> Framerate could be better
> Fewer jumps between different car classes grouping them a bit more

Over all, great job, great LFS promo, makes me want to play more and let us see more of your videos

Thanks for sharing


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LFS TR S1 Video
S2 licensed
Quote from KeMoT :Thank you. Which one ? - maintaining a page in multiple languages always a big + for me, I never do it =) did you make 4ignition page as well?
S2 licensed
Stregone >> Yes, I felt that the chip-style music merged with the rock would suit the video and bring back memories for some =)

KeMoT >> You seem to have watched and reviewed a lot of stuff and your site is top-notch so thank you for your kind rating - happy to hear that it reached No.1 and I'll see if I can't squeeze out the last 0.2 with the next TR S2 video

Nard >> Yeah, the online lag is difficult to get away from - and I am aware of two spaces missing in the "other races during the season" secion and they bug me Other things could probably have been refined as well but never mind.

Frokki>> "The music wasn't spot-on, but hey you can't please 'em all..." -- I see that you have Crazy Frog as your avatar so I'll take this as a compliment Thanks for your rating though!

And to you others that have commented - it's with this type of feedback you get motivated to produce more videos. Thank you all!

S2 licensed
sorry - double post
Last edited by Imphy, .
S2 licensed
Thank you for all the kind comments - I am really happy they're mostly positive

It is difficult to please everyone (in terms of music choice, length etc) but I can agree that it may be a bit on the long side (it was originally only going to be 5 minutes) - as Anserius pointed out it was created with the "Thursday Race" community in mind to remember the first season but then I wanted to share it here for other to hopefully enjoy.

And Montoyafan, I've had the same problem explaining to people that you actually RACE in LFS and it should never be compared to arcade games

Once again, thanks!
TR Season 1 - New LFS Video!
S2 licensed
EDIT: Download links updated 13th October 2008!


I've just released a video of Season 1 from a swedish race series called Torsdagsrace (Thursday Race). Video is in english though

NEW: HiRes High Quality (800x450 - 10mbps xvid 742MB) ... ps_HQ_9988xvid_256mp3.avi

HiRes Medium Quality (800x450 - 4mbps xvid 304MB) ... ps_MQ_4000xvid_192mp3.avi

MidRes Medium Quality (400x224 - 2mbps xvid 156MB) ... ps_MQ_2000xvid_160mp3.avi



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Last edited by Imphy, . Reason : Updated video download links and added highres version.
S2 licensed
I realize that, but the aim was to avoid the real beginners (to have them practice offline or something) - so the limit could be set to 10 or 15 seconds slower than the best times around. But it would obviously be up to the server admin to set whatever time he wishes.
PB limit in Server Config
S2 licensed

(I know there is a whole thread about "noob avoidance" - but I wanted to post this simple thread instead of having a 100 post discussion as a plain suggestion)

Feature request: PB (personal best) Limit in Server Settings

It would be nice to limit the server to a range drivers that hopefully won't take you out at T1 or will block you for no reason when getting lapped.

No Guarantee
I know this won't guarantee incident free races by any means, but it would still be nice to get racing somewhat cleaner this way.

S2 licensed
I usually listen to club and trance music =) but engines deserves this type of music

Maybe it is my disturbed motocross mind choosing the tracks for videos, maybe I should have an "easy listening" option too
S2 licensed
Thank you very much, my connection can be a bit unreliable at times =)
Imphy SWE - Racing Video
S2 licensed

I've put together a racing video from a replay of a recent race that I enjoyed playing quite a bit. It doesn't feature drifting or the fastest lap times around - but some decent racing action presented with music.

Thought I would share it here for others to enjoy as well instead of just watching it by myself

The filename is: LFS-ImphySWE-HighQual.avi
(Alternatively download the Medium or even Low quality versions to preview)

You can download it at the following links:


Video statistics
Duration: 09:29
Size: 211MB (High), 92MB (Medium), 36MB (Low)
Capture Method: ATI TV-Out to Sony DV cam for smoother footage

LFS Online racing rocks

Imphy SWE