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S3 licensed
I forgot all about it Shaggy.Ill fix it right away.
S3 licensed
Heres one for CRXAzz.


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S3 licensed
Nice one!Hey look im in the end with the pictures!
S3 licensed
Also,if you guys need any renders or any help,im here
S3 licensed
You forgot Waider Ryan!
S3 licensed


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Havent done alot of renders lately.Been very tired and school is hard to handle at this point.So sorry for all of you who have requested renders from me.
S3 licensed
Come on nisskid.Its her first try.

Overall i think it was good for a first.Start messing around with some camera angles and some effects.
S3 licensed
lmao :P
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Whats with all the Japanese wannabe Nicknames? Did any of these people know that Japanese doesn't make use of latin characters?

What do you mean?I cant use my name?
S3 licensed
Quote from greg_slideways :IDK, about everyone else but i want it back, i deff need to sharpen my skills!

No offence dude,but LFSLapper doesnt rate on skills.Just practice on drifting without the lag of LFSLapper and try it with.See the diff?
S3 licensed
I was too fast for you and they told me to slow down :P
S3 licensed
Nice video!

If you see a red and white FXO,Thats me
S3 licensed

S3 licensed
Mc,I have one of those ustream thingys.Isnt that liek a webcam broadcast?
S3 licensed
What about the LFSLapper situation sub?Oh and get on msn.Need to talk to you about something
S3 licensed
Quote from -DrftMstr- :At the beginning, the server was good. the connection is good, no lag.
Let's not talk about the technicalities here but rather the management of the server.

I recently went for a spin at the server. There were 25 people online so I expected a slight lag. It wasn't that bad. Among the 25 people, there were a bunch of arrogant, cocky, unexperienced kids ruining the fun. Yes, you know who you are.

In the world of motorsports, a tap is a tap. Sportsmanship or not, just suck it up and drive the car harder through the next corner. Some cocky unexperienced driver decided to cut me off. This then leads him to be unable to recover and losing his pathetic drift points. Then kiddo goes on to e-rage me and so does one admin. (why the effe is he an admin anyways if he can't see things objectively)

This is the drop that made it spill.

First, let me explain to those unexperienced, cocky, stubborn, rude, newcomers to drifting. Judges in drift events around the real world, yes, REAL WORLD, WITH REAL CARS, doesn't have a chart with drift points. So what that you lose your drift points. This LFS lapper adapted to drifting has brought nothing but harm.

Some people favor higher score rather then a proper line, consistency and car control. I see so many people hold their car sideways on the grass, on the side of the track, anything rubbish looking to get the maximum of points. There is no art form in this pathetic sliding activity. Where are all the tandem? What happened to consistency? Nooo, nothing matters, all I want is my high score drift points.

I really don't care if anyone call me a "f***ing stupid noob" or a "crasher". Because to the eye of those who does it right, you guys are the ones that look like clowns. So, keep it up, big guys, at the end, you guys are going to be the ones whinning about the tire physics, and the lack of drift track and drift cars. LFS is more then enough to simulate a car doing round a track sideways, and does it perfectly fine.

I suggest to Shikane Server to remove the LFSLapper once and for all to avoid any further e-drama. There's enough drama on NBS or FOX on TV, not LFS.

Oh, while I'm at it. Please don't appoint silly Joe Doe to be admin. 3-4 admins are more then sufficient, suggested to be from your team would be best. Outsourcing is bad, especially to children, they don't know what they are doing.

hey admin of that server, thanks for banning me, now you look ridiculous.
it was a joe blow from epic team. Maybe I should contact your team leader to kick you out of the team too?

Now, let me take things in hand and clean this mess.
Let's see where should i start my blacklist.

I said sorry afterwards!
I agree about people caring about points.In real life,theres no point system while you're on a parking lot.So what i really want to point on is,removing LFSLapper will make the annoying little brats whine more than now but it will go away in about 2 weeks time.This should leave the kids from comming back and ruining the fun for all of us.Now im not saying that LFSLapper is anything bad.Im just saying that its making all of these aggnorant kids who cant drift and do 360s and make like 1000000 in a single drift and say "OH IM ZE DRIFT KINGZ!I OWNZ YOUZ!".As for now,I'll either buy a server for Team Falken or host my own until the lapper is removed from the ShikD server.
S3 licensed
i dont really see how he could edit the skin Fatcat?
S3 licensed
No problem dude.
S3 licensed
Sorry,But the S13 headlights and the hood are private.Please remove it from your skin.
S3 licensed
Ectype Vs DrftMstr

Drft-Mstr wins! but that last pic of Ectype Vs Drft-Mstr is a FAIL!
S3 licensed
He sure is the DoZe I know :P
S3 licensed
Quote from okijuhans :It is Design Dudes property !!!


Thank you for answering for me!
S3 licensed
Also one suggestion.Please i would like LFSLapper to be removed on the server.Its like a spam bot that makes a lag trip waiting to happen.Its best to remove it please.
S3 licensed
ill try to.......What size?
S3 licensed
Quote from Lynce :-DrftMstr- Very nice, good edition.

Dedicate to Import Fantasy. Sorry for time.

Yes!Thank you!