hi, first of all i gotta say i dont speak english usually, im having problems with my momo racing force wheel its a new product i bought it about 3 days ago. I tried first to just plug it on my pc whitout install cd driver and play.. everything was goiing find exept the ff led was off so the ff effect are not working, of course i tried all proper setting like verouillage du calibrage et retour de force (ff) at YES but nothing make the ff led on, then i tried to install de cd driver then i go in lfs the ff led light up but their was no more center force and the pedal wont work at all. i unistalled the proggram , started the game again and i get an error at the launch saying SetProperty Failed , i can start a race and enter, the wheel work but with the ff led off an pedal dont work. i tried the last driver at logitech team but still the same problemS

thx for your help ps: i have usb2 port, windows xp an a powerfull pc sorry for the bad english and the long post