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S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :Like it's going how it's going now, it won't take long before I join the club..

Hope not mate, chin up!

I dont think il join the club for a long time, hopefully never again
S2 licensed
Cool advert, shame is ferrari Mclaren or Honda all the way

Must have cost alot to shut them roads off for that!
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :I said a bunch of stuff here but I forgot because I accidently closed the window.

Here is me and my gf, on the first pic I had short hair, the second one is how it is about now. I think it got a bit longer, and better in model... It's kinda weird on this pic

See there is nothing wrong with you You have a girl friend also, alot of these here dont

Quote from tristancliffe :What it, if you're not careful James will burst into tears again for being a little bit honest about the world.

Erm tristan, shut up Only people that burst into tears is you and becky behind the bike shed
- But is that before or after the kissing?
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :...

Got an itch?
S2 licensed
Quote from BlackEye :LOL

Yeh, I have the best lightning in my toilet so I took the pic there

I hope you was doing nothing more than just sitting there
S2 licensed
Quote from 96 GTS :He probably outweighs you by twice though

Hope he does not, that would class him as rather fat
S2 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :Well I look a little bit older now, those pics were taken when I was about 10-11 (now Im 14) But I grew a long hair and to be honest like 6 people confused me with a girl already. For example, I went to a shoe store, my mom looks at some shoes and a guy asks "They are for her?" Another one was when I went to my friend on a motorcycle in Poland, and her grandma said "She came on a motorcycle?!" Or I went to a take a allergy test some time ago and a guy kept on saying "She." And finally (the most funny one) happened this Sunday when I went to my cousins house to watch a movie, I was lying on the bed and my aunt (she didnt see me for long time) came up and asked my cousins "So whos girl is this?" We started laughing as we thought she was only joking. 5 minutes later she came back and she asked me "Whats your name?"

Il never take you seriously in a league race again! Woman driver (j/k )
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :Let's post our computers next. And maybe after that we could post our wheels. And then, and then let's post our monitors, and our bed's and our mum's. The possibilities are endless!

Lets see your mum then
S2 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :
#2 Arent I beautifull?

Do you really want 50 year old men say you are? (Not that I think you are....)
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Got mine today! Couldn't figure out where to have more steering angle than my old momo, and thanks to this fine forum and the almighty search button, I found it! Wihii! Put the wheel in 720 mode and went (literally) for a quick spin in the XRT. Felt the rear slide out a bit, tried to correct but I couldn't and it was out of control. Haven't giggled that much in ages, couldn't stop laughing for myself. I suppose it takes some time to get used to it..oh crap, and I have a 20 lap race around FE4R (worth it's name) in UFR this weekend

Will be abit harder to spin that out rather then an XRT - Good luck.

My 7month old Logitech Formula Force EX broke this week, going to hopefully send it back and get a new one as replacement.
While I am waiting, I think I might make a dive and buy a G25, then sell the replacement FF EX! Cant wait, G25 looks sooooo cool
S2 licensed
Quote from johnfromsunnymull :
awww unlucky thats just not fair!

Yup, its fallen apart!
Press 1 for G25,
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :John, go to your sisters fiance and tell him that your gonna make up a load of mad stories about him if he doesnt buy you S2! Evil I am

I got my sisters boyfriend to buy me my wheel But that wheel has just broke
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :Your mum must be clearly have overlooked something.

LFS teaches
  • Motor mechanics and stuff (setting up cars)
  • Physics (knowing that a car with stupidly high suspension WILL roll over if you touch the kerb)
  • Stuff about driving
  • Graphic design (car skinning)
  • Languages (when people on servers don't speak good English, resort to heavily broken their language. At least they appreciate you trying, even if they haven't a scooby what you are on about. Or just set the game in to German. Now that's great fun. LOL.
  • ICT and computing skills
  • Sociology (on the forum at least)
  • What else

You forgot the online chatting up skills that Becky Roses thread can teach him too -
S2 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :

6"4 of built like a brick shithouse-ness

Im 6"5 so nerrr
S2 licensed
Quote from jayhawk :Taken last summer. Nothing has changed, except I am alot paler from winter.

Cheesy grin
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :I thought we'd done this kinda stuff before but anyway, I'm safe from Tristan judging.


ASBO CHAV GINGER KID!!! RUN!! j/k, love you really
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :I don't want to be the first fat kid. So someone else post first!

We wont take the piss, we are all a loving close worldwide family
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :
Uncanny resemblance!!!

Just pulling your leg Kev


Edit: @Tristan, no one should judge a person by first, second or third views. No one should be judged by another person
Last edited by jamesrowe, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Batterypark :A hell of a thing to say.

He is a hell of character , he should not judge a book by its cover (in this case a person of course)! Someone will say about his appearance soon
Quote from Vain :Your attempt to flatter me is in vain!


He wants to replace his broom with you
S2 licensed
Quote from mr_x :I'm always a bit wary when lads wear pink shirts!

Ahh right, manly pink Takes a true man to wear pink
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :James, I don't know if your girlfriend really is a girl :

YES told you Beutiful, sadly english

Nah - http://www.jamesrowe.500server ... r/Inge%20august%20123.jpg
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :Stfu!

@james eh!

In my picture you can see a beutiful Dutch lady w00p
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :I was about to post a thread about this subject, just never got around to really post it. This is me, you can't see the hair


ARGHHH Yukky Dutchman!

Quote from CSU1 :Sorry mate, doesnt matter either way. I just wanted to show Hyper I wasnt some fat kid with an Alf T-shirt

Hehehe, no problem, only mucking
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :told you I was blonde...

Becky is a dog