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S2 licensed
Its very amusing to see all the Forum "teams" suddenly make loads of posts as soon as someone says "I need a team", no wonder they only last 5 minutes!
S2 licensed
WOW, thats a very good video! Very much like top gear
S2 licensed
Well its up to them in my eyes, does not make it right but that is my opinion! To me its discusting, but they seem to be very happy so then their life is fulfilled!

Animals have incest, humans are animals!

It should be up to the couple, it does not affect myself so in my eyes let them carry on! Why ruin their lives by separating them?
S2 licensed
Quote from Foqs :Guys its not a chat

Waahoo, LFSForum chat section, all invited to spam! (HERE COMES JAKG!! :razz
S2 licensed
My fingers are dirty! Not only because I have been working on a boat all day, but also due to the fact that im on the prowl for DR
S2 licensed
Yes as said, have a look through the team bit of LFS Forum and there are plenty
S2 licensed
Good luck with the search, you might need it
Last edited by jamesrowe, .
S2 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :
Man, I'm glad I'm in a team that has some longevity (2 years in April) and stability.

What a lucky boy banshee is , well i am glad that im in Dynamic Racing, where I know that the leader is not going to leave (Im trying to not listen to the little voices in my head )
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Ok... The team splitted up, everyone joined the Poo puma motorsports.

And really, i was making the website for a month, and this is what i get? Thank you, racer hero and others. Thank you.

Shame, another one bites the dust! Proves that new teams have to work fast to get anywhere, otherwise the kick around for a month or so then disappear!

Well hope "poo puma motorsports" does better, are you going/gone to puma niko?
S2 licensed
Very much proof! Also shows that he TRYS to be a know it all

Edit: Pretty nice video , thought the end where it changes to credit was a tiny bit corny
Last edited by jamesrowe, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Lotesdelere :
Only in your dreams :smash3d: :haha:

What happened yesterday when my tyres were very hot and you spun it

Quote from AndroidXP :Oh god, who was sadistic enough to recommend you GIMP? I mean, open source is good and all, but my experience with it was, that it is by far the most unintuitive and user-unfriendly piece of software I've ever seen.

Personally I much much prefer Paint.NET, but each to his own, I guess.

Gimp I find better then most, use it in Linux all the time and its brilliant! Also as Lotes said, ITS FREE! - I recommend it to any
S2 licensed
Oh my! Foolish man, I would give puddles a wide birth!
S2 licensed
Quote from Lotesdelere :File -> Dialogs
-> Colors
-> Brushes
And much more

Or click on the buttons as shown on the attached pic:

Well done Mr Lotes Got here a bit before I did.

Well I'l own you in CD1 later instead
S2 licensed
Nice to see your going around the teams

Good luck young Jason
S2 licensed
Quote from racer hero :[PUMA] Motorsports

Hello, This is a new team called Puma Motorsports.
We are here to make Live For Speed more fun for others and also to help people raise there skills. We already have 5 members. Rob (webdesigner), Monty, Dick, Alasdair, and Niko. We will soon have a dedicated server which will be mostly set to tracks that IGTC and LFS:bangers league runs because that is the leagues our team currently races in. We are hoping to soon join Battle Of The Teams and Masters Of Endurance. I am aware that I have started a team before and shut it down because of lack of interest but this team already has 5 members a online forum, a website will soon be coming and also we will soon have a dedicated server so I do not believe that I will be shutting this team down. If you are interested you can apply at or PM me if you have any questions.

I think your signature needs a change

Good luck with it all
S2 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :There ya go...

S2 licensed
New domain to our site,

Have fun
S2 licensed
8/10 looks cool, just the speedo is not going high enough
S2 licensed
Quote from M.Catamount :you should chill with that rice crap.

:riceboy: , can I be bothered to do this?
S2 licensed
OoOoOo that looks interesting - Might try it later
S2 licensed
Site has a few updates, News, BOTT Round 5 DR report and contact page

Few more things on there way
S2 licensed
5/10 - I cant write lots of crap on it
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :James, it was an old Celron, probably 180 nm or higher, this is a 90/110 nm CPU ffs

i think its wrong, because even a top of the range DFi overclocking mobo wont let you go that high (at least i dont think so!), but the temp is worrying - grab speedfa

LOL, ok ok Jack! Go get Jill to carm yourself down, I was only stating a point where someone else said something

But as said, the temp is somewhat worrying!
S2 licensed
meh, I had once a celeron 1000mhz in a laptop running hotter then that, yes it crashed now and then due to the heat! BUT it went on for years, hard drive broke in the end not CPU!