I thinking about a new logo, wich is very pregnant and serious. Has anybody good ideas? Maybe previews?
Would be really cool.
Maybe your Skin will used on LFS Skin
The integration with LFS is very difficult, because i haven´t informations about the lfs system.
Maybe anybody knows that and i am allowed for that?
The same with LFS WorldChecker. Maybe a developers help??
I need a answer for:
Are the Thumbails too big for a good overview??
I don´t think so but when everyone is saying that, i will change it soon.
Ok i will check the error message. Update: Should be fixed right now
The autoresizer is only used for preview images.Your Skin will not touched!
Only a information When you have firefox you can use right mouse and select Show Image. Tada there is the skin on the server on real size
Its the freehoster not me. I can´t controlthat i think
1.How i can add a sticky? Only moderator i think, right?
2. I can make a full sized skin file (But what sense? Tell me please... if there is a good reason, i integrate it of course!!!!). Yes, and the full sized preview is a bit difficult because all uploaded files are resized yet. The website resize uploaded preview images to a defined size to become cheaper in filesize. And if i add fullsize button, it will not resized, ado you understand?
Good Idea. I will add a search by string and tags later on. The sections are posible, but where i could integrate the large selection field? Suggestions please
I am working on a tutorial section and i only want to ask if someone would be so friendly making a tutorial in english with pictures for skinning a Skin and to upload it on the Database. From Start to the Upload themselves.
The guy or girl who creating the best tutorial, will become listed behind his/her tutorial on the Website. Only one tutorial will integrated into the Website. The Link will added between Upload and Reference.
Maybe someone would make this.
Would be very nice, friendly and the one making this become a lot of respect by my side.
I will fix that!
No the name of the skin mustn´t include any skin informations! I mean your Housenumber ins´t included in your name, isn´t it It is a Name uncontroled by your Skin File
Please add suggestions to your post and i will add it on section: questions
@ GloryJ:
Yes i know!
Ok who wants a better upload size! Reminder: Bigger size, less skins at the end (But maybe i will buy more space)
Thankyou for the nice Feedback!
Everyone have to upload as much as he has Without Skins there is no site
-->Background-Color: I should start a poll, shouldn´t I?
I´ve developed a new website for uploading and downloading your skins or to share them with others!
Of course the Website is in BETA Status, but the main functions are working fine.
I´ve mailed the LFS Developers and they liked it and i can´t wait to get negative or positive Feedback. Note: I am open minded to accept ideas and convert them into actions
If you would like to promote visit our Promotion Base!!!
- Uploading Skins
- Edit Function
- Delete your Skins
- Downloading Skins
- Voting Skins
- Comments
- Advanced Copyright System (based on Creative Commons)
- Counting Views
- You can Sort your Search
- Search by String
- "FastSearch" via ID
- Latest 2 Skins Preview
- Statistics
- Report function
- Tell a Friend
- You can leave descriptions, when uploading a new skin.
Visit Website Big Thanks to Martinss for hosting on his server
Get changed when i get more suggestions
- Predefined TAGS, like RealCar, FantasyCar, RaceCar, CivilCar, ModernCar, OldCar, FunnyCar (You can add pregnant Tags here, too.)
Not possible to include:
- LFS WORLD UPLOAD Check (asked a Developer)
* Excercises (You get listed in "Thankyou to...", Maybe in Reference section )
-Tutorial: Starting---->Upload
In my opinion we need a veerrry fast track with fast curves, but with a lot of altitude changes we can see in NBR -Nordschleife...and houri
Than it is very interesting to make setups for this track