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And i thank you
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#97 Simplexity FXO
S3 licensed
Can i get the information on this acc? xD ( password )
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-,SLI,FXO,97,Javialord,Ricardo Seerden,Netherlands
Last edited by Senninha25, . Reason : correcting a few mistakes - see how it's done?
S3 licensed
Last edited by javialord, .
S3 licensed
Account change.. From mastahx to Javialord ( Bought a acc <# )
S3 licensed
Yeah , P V L is right.. If you wrongside you'll get big red letters in your screen ... "One way only"..
If P VL is right then you're already unbanned.
Try to join
S3 licensed
Mhmm.. Bass = Its not a virus.
Joordy= IF you want to come back gimme a call.
I'll try to talk with Povo
S3 licensed
Indeed, Daniel you're right.
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Yeah, Theo is right.
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I'm Mastahx!
My own account <3
S3 licensed
Ahh Mate that's really b e autiful,
the car logo's are a really good idea, color's are good aswell and i really like the assasins picture the thing to add more picture's to it i like maybe you can put some line's in it of that's not to hard uhm it will be a public advertisement skin but it's just for the guy who is hosting our servers or maybe for our team members only
i really like the work u done now so keep it up
Quote from Eclipsed :Here's some progress report: ... sed/Skins/nooblesswip.jpg
Well,got the idea to put on car games' logos as sponsor stickers on doors and pictures of game characters all over the car. As a contrast color (so the whole car isn't just dark gray),I've chosen white and colored spoiler,kanards and mirrors,also put carbon textures on wing and hood vents. Today I just got enough,so made this preview to know what you think of this idea and should I carry on. Plan is to add more pictures and one of them will be this car with this skin. What I'm not sure is - does that Assasins creed picture fit there? Seems somewhat odd... So it's your turn to say,what should be changed,is base color ok (it can be easily changed) or you have any other suggestions?
Also one question - is this skin planned as your teams private skin or public advertisement skin?

S3 licensed
:O that Would Be Cool
hmm prefered games are: Assassin's creed brotherhood, Command & Conquer 3,
Call Of Duty, Killing Floor, Monday Night Combat, Left 4 Dead, Live For Speed, Supreme Commander & Teamfortress. that are the kind of games the community is playing so that are the games there can be on ... le_images/11_9_6_logo.png this logo can be on and a couple of times, about the color uhm yes i think its better to keep it a little bit dark
I Really appreciate it that you will give it a try

Thank you
Quote from Eclipsed :Well,have nothing better to do tomorrow anyway,could give a try for that. But more info needed like prefered games (or even links to prefered pictures - as I'm not really active gamer in other games,might choose something wrong :shrug,what texts needed on car (website adress or something else). I guess cars base color has to be dark gray according to website,right?

Request For Fxr Gaming Skin
S3 licensed
Hello All,

I'm Stuggeling a bit with making a skin for my community!
they ask me to make a skin with games on it so i thought i put lots of game figures on it but it's pretty hard can somebody help me a bit with this or have a photoshop cs5 tutorial! it must be a bit like this website background!

S3 licensed
Quote from Mikjen :Wouldnt AIRO or LFSLapper do this for you..

well i dont know how i can get lfs lapper working on the server
and yes airio do it but i want in it just a bit same like a cruise thing that you can see how much km's you drived and that kind of things
Looking For a Coder/Insim Programmer
S3 licensed
I've got a question,
I’m looking for a Dutch coder who can explain to me a bit how to code!
or somebody who can make a insim for me for our nascar server there is just a little thing i want in our nascar server witch is that you can see on the left or right bottom corner of the screen a block with some text in it like how many round’s you have driven, how many points you've got that’s kind of status you have, how many % fuel you have, or how many wins or something like that,
Is there anyone who can do this for me or can help me out with it?

Request for Nascar Fuel Filler
S3 licensed
Hi There

Can Somebody Make The Fuel Filler Texture For Me as it looks like there >> so that i can put it on a skin that it looks like there is really a hole for the fuel pipe

S3 licensed
It Looks Really Good But Can You Put The Opacity Of The White Texture's A Bit Down ? that It will be a Little Bit More Transparent ?
It Look Pretty Cool
Quote from cayenne 49 :new advancement of the skin

S3 licensed
Quote from cayenne 49 :advancement of the skin

WOOW Thats Looking Really Good
the only thing i see is some wrong colors :P but i dont know if you done with that already so i let it all to you but i really really like it
S3 licensed
Ohh I Like To Hear that some of u guys wanna try it
I'd Really like to see some picture's how the things going on
i'll wait for it Thanks Guys
S3 licensed
Quote from andRo. :When you take picture, put your graphics cards settings to the max for LFS, or just put max settings in LFS, but it's better to do it for graphics card, since even though I put it max in LFS, it's still lacking some quality.

I don't know which graphics card you have, but if NVidia, then you should be able to right click on your desktop and choose NVidia settings.

And in in game settings, you can set as it show in the pictures below. If you have different graphics card, some of that data might be different, then just put the best you can.

Hmm i just can't get it better then it is there maybe i can send you the skin that you can do it on you're computer cuase i'm having a laptop so no good graphic card in it, i've try'd with some other programs but same results so...

if you want me to send the skin i can do that .
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Why me? I'm nobody here...
For me it looks like a huge amount of work and to be honest - I'm waaayyy too lazy for that... But around here are a lot of more skilled painters - so maybe someone makes this!

Ohh okj :P np i thougt you are 1 of them (A) :P.
hmm but no 1 of the master skinners are replying so thats sucks a bit
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Not that I would dare to take this challenge,but still - you should note for which car you want the skin!

Oh i would love if you give it a try
i want it for the fxr (A)
S3 licensed
Quote from andRo. :Tomba(FIN) - Hot picture! I like that mod, I'm never a fan of all these mods, but this one looks pretty good.

javialord - Yeah, I can give it a try, but maybe you can provide me with a higher quality picture? If not, then doesn't matter, the result would just look better.

Ohh Ty uhm okj i'll try to get it more high-res. but i just make the picture ingame. is there some option the get it high-res from the ctrl + s Key ?