growup. if your a huge fan of japan. you will understand why. go type Spoon Racing.. its all same colors and skins. so i pick it make to look like UFR.. and i can patient if someone making it as long as they can done. 1 or 2 weeks is fine with me... i want pro designer because they know what to do and more details as i wanted.
well i just got g25... but it used from DFP.. so does it have to be add hardware or anything change? my clutch or H Shifter 3, 4, 5, 6, and R isnt working?
Hello. Yes i love em so much. i am a huge fan of JDM!
My gamertag: EP3R
What kind of car? XFR.
Any need change? no. just to be same in links.
suggests? none... ask me if you have question.
Racing Sign #? Same as in the pics.