Most likely the reason you're not seeing any of the other CTRA servers is that you have Empty Servers filtered out of the race list. To see all of the CTRA servers, either turn the that filter off, or, what I usually do, is use the Servers page on the CTRA website to launch LFS.
While CTRA 1 is the only server that is consistently populated, if you join an empty server, more often the not other drivers will soon join you.
I see from one of my reports that was just resolved that you've implemented removing mid-race join privileges for specific driver's.
Admin Response: You clearly involve yourself with this race far more than you are permitted. As a midrace joiner, you are required to heed the warnings and instructions issued to you by the X-System. You completely ignored them and caused genuine racers problems as a result. Your midrace join rights have been suspended.
I remember seeing this possibility mentioned in a recent thread, but it's nice to see it's been put into effect. In combination with mild sanctions (Caution, Warning, etc.) this should do a lot to educate people and reduce the problem.
Well, I can't find the thread in the general LFS forums now, but there's a good one about post race behavior. If you're going to refine the rules a bit, perhaps some guidelines here would be a nice addition? While it would be nice if people didn't park on the S/F line after the race's end, I'm really thinking more about things like deliberate post race wrecking and driving backwards on the track.
While it would be nice to be able to practice/test setup changes without having to dodge parked cars, I'm not so worried about that. But I particularly don't like having my FF wheel knocked silly for someone else's amusement.
LFS Team: HL racing(stats) Points Rank: 324.000 National Rank: 1st(Uruguay) International Rank: 2,271st (more info)
Looks to me like you're showing up.
Possibly this is a problem on my end, in which case I'd very much like to confirm it, but I just tried joining the empty B&J server, an NO objects (barriers, checkpoints, etc.) are being loaded. It's just an empty parking lot or skidpad. The server even gives the message that ther are no checkpoints, so laps aren't being timed.
Everyone else who's posted is exactly right, but since no one else has specifically answered this question, I will. You could have avoided this incident by not going wide and leaving the track. Simple as that.
That's not to say that your driving was bad or that you deserve some kind of sanction. But your slip is what caused the accident. There is no way the other driver could have avoided hitting you there.
Even with the best drivers, accidents sometimes happen. That's what happened here. If you hadn't brought it up, no one would be discussing "fault" or "blame" in this case. But since you did, the fault occurred when you failed to exit the turn perfectly.
Well, you picked the day of the week when CTRA 1 is busiest. But at any rate, as Becky said, racing on CTRA 1 won't help you get into SS2. To get into SS2 you need to earn Single Seater points, which you can only do in SS1.
The CTRA server page show's drivers in CTRA1 and SS1, but when I tired joining SS1 through the server page (using Join2LFS) I got an error in LFS, "Host not found on Master Server". I checked the Hosts lists in LFS and no CTRA servers showed up. Then I tried the LFS Remote link on the CTRA server page and Remote gave me an "Invalid Host Name" error, and again, none of CTRA's servers showed up on Remote's list.